Family Fun and Education with Trivia

Trivia is fun but it can also be educational. Even if you don’t know some answers right away, you’ll learn them as you go. Every family member can add to his or her basic knowledge through trivia. Remember, not all questions necessarily have to be about “trivial” subjects even if they are not facts that are necessary to know in the course of a day. “Trivial Pursuit” is cited as the most popular game in the world. It was hot when it first came out and is still quite popular, as it continues to expand, but we can make up … Continue reading

Whoonu – Game Review

We hope that our holiday time with families will be filled with laughter and a sense of love and belonging. Sometimes though, there are too many age gaps between cousins for them to get along. Sometimes the grandparent and grandchild who only see each once a year feel shy with one another. If you need a perfect game for family get-togethers, Whoonu is it! Whoonu is a play on the phrase ‘Who Knew’. This game is from the inventive Cranium company. They recommend the game for ages eight and up. But anyone who can read can play this unique game. … Continue reading

A Game Of Ghost

Age range: 6+ Number of players: 3-10 Supplies Needed: None Ghost is a word game where players try to add letters to create a new word. This game is best for older children because you need to know how to spell. It would also be a fun travel game because it could easily be played in the car. To begin have the players sit in a circle. Or if you are traveling in the car decide on how the game will rotate, maybe from youngest to oldest or front to back. The first player thinks of a word. Then he … Continue reading

The Doctor Game

Here is a fun game that a group of older children or even adults will enjoy. You need at least a group of 5 to 6 people and there is no limit as to how many can play. Every player sits in a circle. Then one or two people, depending upon the size of the group, are chosen to be the doctor. They must walk away out of hearing range while the rest of the players decide upon a problem that the “doctor” must figure out. The doctor figures out the problem by asking each player a question. The questions … Continue reading

The Vegetable Game

Don’t be fooled by the title. The Vegetable Game has nothing to do with eating vegetables. Few kids really enjoy eating vegetables. And this is a game that they will not only enjoy but will have them laughing in their seats. To play this game you need nothing but a group of people, at least five to make the game interesting. There is no real limit to how many people can play. We love to play this game while camping or at family reunions. Start by having everyone sit in a circle. Then each player decides what type of vegetable … Continue reading

Mother Elephant Group Game

Age: most enjoyed by those 10-16 Number of players: 6-15 Supplies Needed: None This is a fun group game that will keep a group of teens busy for hours. And you don’t need anything but a space large enough to seat everyone. Start by having everyone sit in a circle and choose someone to be the leader. This person is the “Mother Elephant.” Each person in the circle chooses a different animal that they want to be and a sign or sign and sound to distinguish that animal. The ideas are limitless, just make sure that every sign is unique … Continue reading

The Sign Game

Number of Players: 6 to 12 Age: 10+ Supplies Needed: None Often teens are a challenge at family reunions. So here’s a fun game that the teens at your reunion or anytime will love. I learned this game while in college and introduced it to my high-school age sister who played it with her friends. It provided hours of free and simple fun. This game needs at least six players to be fun and more than twelve is too difficult. To begin the players sit in a circle and each player chooses a discreet and silent sign. For example touching … Continue reading

Robbers and Soldiers

Number of players: 10+ (the more the better) Ages: 8+ Space: A wooded park is best, but a playground could also work. This game is a favorite for boys, who tend to naturally gravitate toward being robbers and soldiers than girls do. It’s a great game for kids who love to get dirty while they play. It originated in Denmark, being played there for many generations. The players are divided between robbers and soldiers. There should be one robber for every five soldiers. The soldiers have a General who directs them, and the robbers have a captain. To begin play, … Continue reading

Trial by Jury

This is a great party game for a smart group of teenagers, or even at an adult party. Imagine playing the game of Clue, but without the board and the cool pieces. Prepare two letters in advance and seal them in envelopes. One of the envelopes is left completely blank and the other contains a brief, but graphic account of a crime. (usually a murder) Choose a resourceful party guest as the “district attorney” who will then take charge of the proceedings. He chooses two players from the group and gives each a letter. They leave the room to read … Continue reading

Touch Memory

Number of players: 4+ Ages: 3+ Materials required: Small objects, such as small stuffed animals, bottles, glasses case, pencils, etc. This game can double as a kid’s party game, or a great game for bridal and baby showers. Players should be seated in a circle in a darkened room, or the players should wear blindfolds. Place six to twelve small articles on a tray or in a bin, and pass the tray from player to player. Each player carefully feels the objects in the tray, trying to determine what each object is. The more unusual the objects are, the more … Continue reading