Singing in the Car – All-American Car-I-Oke

Even though this activity bombed for my own family, I still think it’s a very fun idea. We got All-American Car-i-oke for a long trip. I had visions of us all singing along happily as we cruised down the highway. The idea behind this kit is just that, it provides everything you need for family sing-alongs. The book comes with a 21 track CD, three lyric books for the “backseat singers”. The main book has really interesting information about the songs, how they came to written and recorded, and the history of the singers. There’s even a harmonica lesson, and … Continue reading

Two Unexpected Travel Toys

Tonight at dinner we talked about travel toys and activities for a rapidly approaching trip to visit family. Last year we took a insanely long car trip. The adventures make for great stories, although I wouldn’t be in a hurry to sign up for the same trip again. One of the funniest things though, was discovering two unique travel toys. The first surprisingly fun travel toy is pipe cleaners. They are inexpensive, colorful, lightweight and quiet. With three kids in a van, the quiet part is much appreciated. Kids can twist pipe cleaners into animals, shapes, bracelets and necklaces, pretend … Continue reading

Wallet Photo Fun!

There is a simple little thing that I started doing in the car during road trips that makes my girl laugh uncontrollably. I have, over the last couple months, kept wallet-sized photos of my niece and nephew tucked away up in my sun visor. They were given to us while visiting my brother’s house sometime last year and never quite made their way into our home. What started as sheer laziness and forgetfulness is now a staple of every sunny day journey. The pictures will probably never leave the car now! Every time the sun is shining in my face … Continue reading

An Anytime Anywhere Game

I’m usually good about planning activities ahead of time. But sometimes we end up waiting much longer at the doctors than we had planned, or flights get canceled, or the restaurant is packed, or the movie is sold out and we have to wait for the next one. And so, we are stuck—waiting, with nothing to do. Here’s a game to play that takes no special equipment and can be adapted for small children all the way to adults. Take a few things out of your pocket or pocket book, or the restaurant table. Examples are a few coins, a … Continue reading

Fun Travel Games

Summer is synonymous with travel. But what do you do with your kids while you are traveling. Here are some fun travel games for kids of all ages. Trivia Trivia is not only fun but educational as well. Take along a trivia game or find some interesting facts on the Internet and print them off. Make sure that your questions are age appropriate. If your child never knows the answer the game will not be much fun. Let your children take turns asking and answering the questions. They will love it if they can stump you. The Alphabet Game There … Continue reading

Twenty Questions

I’m sure everyone knows how to play twenty questions, but it’s such a great game to play on a long car ride that I want to bring it everyone’s conscious level. I also have a great variation that can be used as a party game. One person, who is “IT” decides on some famous person or thing anywhere in the world. When she says “ready” the other players try to guess what this is by her answers to their questions, but they can only ask twenty. Any player can ask more than one question, unless there are too many players, … Continue reading

Games to Play in the Car part 4

If your kids do better with non-competitive games, especially when they are caught in close quarters on a long trip (He’s breathing on me!) here are a few for you to try. Free Association This is a fast, funny game that goes pretty much nowhere, but it’s amusing all the same, and the kids will play it until you beg them to stop. One person starts with a word or phrase. It could be an object, an emotion, anything at all. The next person says the very first thing that comes to his mind–no stalling, no thinking, no analyzing. Just … Continue reading

Word Games to Play in the Car part 3

Let’s say in the middle of a long trip your spouse is snoozing in the passenger seat and the baby is napping in his car seat, but his squirmy sibling needs something to do. The ABC game just might do the trick. In fact, it might work so well, you’ll get to listen to that book on tape after all. The ABC game This game can be played several ways, depending on what seems right for your child. One Player: 1. This is the simplest way: Ask your child to write down all the ABCs on a piece of paper. … Continue reading

Word Games to Play in the Car part 2

Words Games to Play in the Car part 2 Getting stuck in a traffic jam can be just as, if not more, frustrating to kids than a long road trip. This word game is all about names, and it works well in traffic, because you can make up the names for the people in the cars around you to add a little visual interest. The Silly Name Game All right, I lied. I said I wasn’t going to tell which word games to play in the car I made up out of desperation. But I’ll have to blow my cover … Continue reading

Word Games to Play in the Car part 1

We’ve all been there–stuck in traffic, or on a long drive in the middle of nowhere with nothing but static on the radio and restless kids in the back seat of the car. (Ever driven across Nevada on Highway 80?) You’ve fed them all the snacks and their amusements are either used up or out of batteries. They’re getting bored and whiny and are probably starting to pinch each other and breathe each others’ air. What to do? Try these word games I’ll share over the next few days to make the time pass. Some I learned from other people, … Continue reading