Grandmother Gives Birth to Her Own Grandson

In Athens, Georgia, a 45 year old woman has given birth to a baby that is actually her grandson. This makes her the fourth grandmother in the United States to act as a surrogate for her grandchild. Interestingly, the process involved will not change the kinship terms in this family. Krista Saxon and her husband wanted to become parents. In 2010, Krista’s gynecologist told her that she might not be able to become pregnant because she wasn’t producing enough eggs. The couple started to consider the possibility of recruiting a “gestational carrier” (which might also be called a surrogate). The … Continue reading

Justin Bieber, Ryan Gosling, and Avril Lavigne

Can you guess what Justin Bieber, Ryan Gosling, and Avril Lavigne all have in common with each other? Each of them also has the same thing in common with Celine Dion. has figured out that all of these Canadian celebrities are actually related to each other. Not too long ago, Justin Bieber said he thought he was “part inuit or something”. While that particular genealogical claim has yet to be verified, has discovered a few people that he truly is related to. Justin Bieber’s family tree connects with those of Ryan Gosling, Avril Lavigne, and Celine Dion. All … Continue reading

First Names Are Fascinating

Genealogists are often interested in the meanings of surnames, the last names or family names of their ancestors. First names are interesting too, even if you are not in the position of trying to select one for a new addition to the family. You probably know what your first name means. Have you ever heard any of your ancestors’ first names and wondered what they meant? If you are curious, you can check out a web site like and see what those names mean. There are a few names in my family tree that I am curious about. For … Continue reading

TLC Might Pick Up “Who Do You Think You Are?” Show

“Who Do You Think You Are?” was a very popular genealogy television show, right up until it was cancelled. Genealogists lamented the lost of this unique program that got so many people excited about genealogy. There is a possibility that the show may return on a new network. The show “Who Do You Think You Are?” was once on NBC. Two entire seasons were aired, and the third was in progress, when NBC chose to cancel the show. Technically, NBC chose not to renew the show for a fourth season. I’ve no idea why. The show was sponsored by, … Continue reading

Redheads Are Rare But They Aren’t Going Extinct!

. We all know that our genetics determine many of our physical traits. Hair color is a trait which is determined by genetics. While blonde, brown and black hair are all fairly common, red hair is much less so. Red hair also seems to be a part of a package deal that includes fair skin and freckles. This is due to the fact that a red hair color is caused by the way that redhead’s bodies produce melanin, a pigment which is found in skin and hair. Redheads produce melanin differently than people with other colors of hair do. The … Continue reading

Your Genes Determine if You Like Cilantro

Your genes are responsible for a whole lot of things about you! Genes determine things like your eye color and your hair color. I guess is isn’t so surprising to learn that your genes determine if you like, or hate, certain foods. When it comes to cilantro, the gene that determines if you like it (or hate it) is connected to your sense of smell. Your biological mother, and biological father, each contributed to your genetic makeup. Genes get passed down from one generation to the next. This explains why you look like some of your ancestors, and why you … Continue reading

What’s In Your Genes?

The human body is a very interesting thing, as are the genes within it. Some of our physical traits are uniquely our own, and others we have inherited from our parents or other ancestors. It can be confusing to know which things are commonly inherited and which are not. For example, the shape of your hairline is determined by genetics. Some of us have a hairline that goes straight across our forehead, while others have what is called a widow’s peak hairline. The Widow’s peak hairline comes to a point in the center of the forehead. I just looked at … Continue reading

Hilary Duff is Related to Queen Elizabeth II

Many genealogists are inspired to start their family tree research specifically because they hope to find confirmation that they are related to royalty. I’m not certain that this wish comes true for everyone. What is true is that Hilary Duff is related to Queen Elizabeth II. It must be exciting to discover that you are related, however distantly, to someone who is royal. In the United States, we don’t have a “royal family”. Instead, the closest thing we have are celebrities. There are some commonalities between the two groups. Both have plenty of money. Both attract attention where ever they … Continue reading

Study Suggests Fainting Runs in the Family

A new study suggests that fainting might run in families. There seems to be a genetic basis that influences whether or not a person is prone to fainting, (but it isn’t due to a “fainting gene”). Researchers came to this conclusion after studying twins. When I think about the concept of fainting being something that runs in a family, I think of the Victorian Era, and the corset. In the 1830’s, it was believed that a corset was a medical necessity. It was believed that women were fragile, and required the support that a corset can provide in order for … Continue reading

A Brief Look at Joe Biden’s Family Tree

Earlier this year, I did a series of blogs that took a brief look at the family trees of candidates who were (or who hoped to be) running for President of the United States in 2012. I am now extending the series to include the people who are running for Vice President. Here is a brief look into Joe Biden’s family tree. The current President of the United States is Barack Obama. He is running for a second term in office, as many incumbent President’s have been known to do. President Obama is going to stick with the current Vice … Continue reading