is Better at Generating Cash Than Facebook

According to the Salt Lake Tribune, Inc., is doing really well when it comes to generating free cash per share. It is more successful at it than Facebook Inc. has been. This is precisely what makes look attractive to potential buyers. It has been said, in many news articles across the internet, that is considering a sale. This isn’t a sale on the price of their membership, or on any of their services. Instead, it certainly appears that could soon be for sale. has been working with Frank Quattrone’s Quatalyst Partners LLC in order to … Continue reading

Is For Sale?

Could be considering the idea of putting itself up for sale? It appears that the company has been working on finding some buyers. So far, there are few concrete facts and much speculation. What is known is that the talk about the potential sale has increased the value of shares of stock by 11%. Recently, NBC announced that it will not renew the popular “Who Do You Think You Are?” television show for season four. The show is currently in season three, and little has been said about why, exactly, NBC decided to cancel the series. was … Continue reading

Oetsi the “Iceman” Had Brown Eyes

Genetics and genealogy are two entirely separate fields of study that have begun to overlap in recent years. Scientists have been looking into the DNA of Oetzi the “Iceman”. It is pretty amazing what they could learn about him from his genes! Imagine how much could be learned about your ancestors through their DNA. Oetzi, who is also called “the Iceman”, is the name that was given to the 5,300 year old body that was found in 1991. He was found frozen in the Italian Alps. His name comes from the Otz valley portion of the Italian Apps that he … Continue reading

Need Help Finding Your Italian Family Tree?

One of the problems that a genealogist can run into is a language barrier. If your ancestors are from a country that speaks a language that you do not understand, this can make your genealogy research considerably more complex. When this happens, you might consider hiring the services of a professional genealogist who is fluent in the language you cannot comprehend. Those of you who are on Facebook are undoubtedly familiar with those little ads that appear at the side of the page. It is rather amazing, sometimes, what Facebook thinks that I would be interested in buying, joining, hearing … Continue reading

Where to Find a Professional Genealogist

No matter how much you may want to, there will be times when you just cannot do everything entirely by yourself. Once in a while, you will have to ask other people to help you with your genealogy research. When you hit the “brick wall” and cannot go any farther, it may be time to hire the services of a professional genealogist. In order to do that, of course, you are going to need to know where to find a good one. Fortunately, there are plenty of websites that can help you with that search. It can be extremely frustrating … Continue reading

Could You be a Genealogy Freelancer?

If you love genealogy and you would like to work as a professional genealogist, you may wonder how you will be able to do that without making a career change. You do not have to quit your day job in order to be able to work as a genealogist. Many very skilled genealogists are not employed in a genealogy “job” per se. Instead, they work as freelancers, taking on individual projects from clients that they have found, or who have found them. If you would like to work as a freelance genealogist, you can begin by mentioning your genealogy skills … Continue reading

Could You be a Genealogy Freelancer?

If you love genealogy and you would like to work as a professional genealogist, you may wonder how you will be able to do that without making a career change. You do not have to quit your day job in order to be able to work as a genealogist. Many very skilled genealogists are not employed in a genealogy “job” per se. Instead, they work as freelancers, taking on individual projects from clients that they have found, or who have found them. If you would like to work as a freelance genealogist, you can begin by mentioning your genealogy skills … Continue reading

Solving A Family Mystery With Kim Cattrall

While I do not have television, I sometimes go online and watch shows that I really want to see. I’ve been looking forward to this season of “Who Do You Think You Are” because one of my favorite actresses, Kim Cattrall, has her own episode this season. Kim is a British-born actress who grew up in Canada. She is best known for her work playing the role of sassy, independent Samantha Jones on Sex and the City. I went online today to watch Kim’s episode of “Who Do You Think You Are” and I’m really glad that I did. In … Continue reading

Reasons To Use A Professional Genealogist

Let’s face it, we all need a little help sometimes. When your car is not working, you take it to a professional mechanic. When your computer does something strange and unexpected, you call the IT department in your workplace. If you are having difficulty with your genealogy research, you can benefit from the assistance of a professional genealogist. Professional genealogists are people who are working 30 to 70 hours a week, every week, on genealogy research for other people. They make their living entirely from the genealogy work that they do. It is their career, not just a hobby that … Continue reading

Could You Start A Genealogy Business?

Many people out there love genealogy. Some people love genealogy so much that they would be happier if they could do more of it. There is a way to incorporate more genealogy into your life – you can work full time or part time as a professional genealogist. Yes, it’s true. Genealogy can be much more than a hobby. It can provide a satisfying part-time or full time career. How, exactly, does a person go about setting up a genealogy business? At the most basic level, begin by assessing your genealogy skills. How many years have you spent doing serious … Continue reading