Green Cleaning the Norwex Way

When it comes to living green I will be honest, I am more about saving money than anything else. About a month ago I attended a women’s event that featured two workshop speakers. The first workshop was about cleaning. As soon as I heard that word and saw her display of bottles and cloths, I started to tune her out. If there is one area in my life that I have never been willing to change it’s my cleaning routine. I like my chemicals! Now don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with natural or healthier ways to clean. … Continue reading

Video Games and Being Green

Although we tried for many years to resist, I have to admit that last Christmas we broke down and purchased a video game system for the family. And while we certainly don’t regret the move for many reasons (it is great family fun, the kids aren’t obsessed, and we can be more of the hang out house for friends), the little piece that we do regret is the fact that it is one more thing in the house that was commercially manufactured, uses energy and will some day reach the end of its life and require disposal. There are some … Continue reading

Why I Don’t Like Green Cleaners

While using green cleaners can be better than using more traditional commercial cleaners, I can not say that I am jumping up and down to buy them and use them. I have to admit that many of these cleaners come in attractive and stylish bottles and contain very pleasant scents. Despite this, there are several reasons that these cleaners have not convinced me, yet, to purchase and use them on a regular basis. Here is why. Most of these green cleaners are not available for purchase in bulk. Because of this, these cleaners have an impact on the environment through … Continue reading

What Paper Products Can Your Put into Your Recycling Bin?

Are there items that you could be recycling but aren’t? You might be surprised to learn that your recycling bin could be fuller than you might think. I was helping a good friend and neighbor prepare for a party that she was giving that night. As we prepared many dishes, we opened packages and cans. The cans went into the recycling bin, of course, and the styrofoam meat trays had to go into the trash. It was then that I noticed that my friend had thrown away her paper egg carton. She was completely unaware that it could be recycled. … Continue reading

How to Reduce the Impact of Your Laundry

Did you know that the average family uses 13,500 gallons of water a year just washing clothes? Add into the impact of the detergent and machine drying, and you can see how drastically your laundry can impact the environment. Here are some ways that you can reduce the impact of your laundry. The easiest way to go for an immediate reduction in the impact from your laundry is by switching detergent. There are a number of good ecologically friendly detergents on the market right now. Choose a responsible laundry detergent, to lessen your impact. The next step you can take … Continue reading

Your Eco-Arsenal: Vinegar

Vinegar is a safe, environmentally friendly product that can be used in so many ways around your home. It will reduce the number of chemicals that you purchase (and release into the air), the amount of packaging (choose large glass or plastic bottles that can be recycled, and it will even reduce the amount of money you spend. Here is a guide to the many uses for vinegar and what it can replace around your home. Produce washes While plain water used to be fine for rinsing produce, studies have shown that using water alone, even with a scrub brush, … Continue reading

Reducing Your Laundry’s Carbon Footprint

Laundry is one of the number one ways that a typical household uses up resources. From hot water heating for washing, to gas or electric for drying, our laundry appliances can really impact the carbon footprint of our households. In addition, laundry detergent can add chemicals to the environment, and treatment of the water that is expelled from the washing machine adds energy costs and lessens resources. There are ways to reduce much of this impact without resorting to never washing our clothes again. The first thing you can do is to examine your clothes wearing habits. Do you automatically … Continue reading

The Green Way to Get Rid of Spiders

(I hate spiders. I have respect for almost all other living things. I’ve been known to capture a ladybug in a cup, cover it with my hand, and then take the elevator down seven stories to set it free in the garden below my old office. But, I hate spiders. So, needless to say, I was a bit freaked out when I saw what I considered to be a large brown spider on my front porch a few weeks ago. I panicked and went for the spider spray my husband keeps in the garage for just such occasions. I hate … Continue reading

How to Clean Green

Having a clean home doesn’t mean that you have to expose yourself and your family to tons of chemicals that can linger in your home and may negatively impact both your health and the environment. The old days of strong chemical cleaners that eradicate everything in their paths is gone. Welcome in a new era of cleaning, one that will leave your home clean and smelling wonderfully without causing harm. First, let’s talk a little bit about the traditional cleaning solutions that are on the market. Most of them are petroleum based, which we know is not a renewable resource. … Continue reading