Should You Continue Your Child’s ADHD Medication During the Summer?

One common question that parents have is whether or not they should continue ADHD or ADD medication over the summer for their children. With school out, this becomes an interesting dilemma. I’ve heard a number of arguments for and against. Many pediatricians leave it up to the parents, especially if the ADHD or ADD is not severe enough to be a danger to the child. Of course, any time a parent is considering stopping any ongoing medication, the pediatrician should be consulted. The arguments parents give for continuing medication include being consistent, needing the child to be able to focus … Continue reading

Married to ADD

Do you have a spouse with ADD?? Why the condition can cause many a marriage to fail and a suggestion you can do about it. A person with ADD, whether diagnosed or not, finds it difficult to focus, difficult to listen and difficult to stay on task. Because of these symptoms, many aspects of marriage can be affected, especially in the areas of communication. Someone married to a spouse with ADD may feel frustrated, unheard and unloved, leading to even more problems. The issue gets even worse, when the “normal” spouse wants to talk out their problems while the affected … Continue reading