Deciphering Skin Care Labels

It is important to read the label — on the food you eat AND on the things you put on your body. A lot of products make a lot of claims… but what do they all mean? According to the Cosmetic, Toiletry, and Fragrance Association, there are no standard definitions for terms like “hypoallergenic” or “fragrance free”. Each company is allowed to interpret (and use) label terminology as they like. Dermatologist tested generally means that a skin specialist has tested the product. However, the test itself can vary. The dermatologist may have asked employees to try the product. The dermatologist … Continue reading

Super Hand Softeners

I’ve started to notice one little downside to my new part-time job at the cat boarding facility: my hands are starting to show some serious wear and tear. All the cleaning (and cleaning supplies) is leaving my skin rough and dry. I’m going through lotion like it’s going out of style! It may be time for some super hand softeners. Heat is a great way to soothe and rejuvenate skin. Heat helps make your skin more porous, so the skin treatments can be absorbed faster. There are paraffin dips available in spa versions and home versions. Up until now, I … Continue reading

Ease Symptoms of Psoriasis Naturally

More than seven million Americans deal with psoriasis. Not familiar with psoriasis? This is a condition that leaves the skin itchy, scaly, and inflamed. For medium flare ups, moisturizers with coal tar and/or salicylic acid can ease symptoms. For severe flare ups, prescription creams with steroids can make a big difference. But what about mild flare ups? You may not need a medicated moisturizer, but you may need more relief than usual. Here are two tips to soothe your itchy, inflamed skin naturally. Try a dietary change: cut back on the meat and eat more veggies. Eating lots of protein … Continue reading

A Warning About Natural Skincare Products

I have extremely sensitive skin. Unfortunately, my daughter also inherited the condition and was diagnosed with eczema as an infant. As such, I have spent a great deal of money on “natural” skincare products for both of us. When my daughter was first diagnosed with eczema her doctor recommended Eucerin. So I went out and dropped nearly 20 bucks for 10 ounces of the cream. It worked for about two weeks. I then tried a litany of other “Purely Organic” and “All Natural” products. I even considered slathering Crisco on her skin as recommended by another doctor whose children suffered … Continue reading

Sugar and Your Skin

Sugar can be good for your skin on the outside — in the form of an exfoliating sugar scrub. However, the sugar you eat may be ruining your skin! Sugar in your bloodstream can attach to protein molecules to form advanced glycation end products (or AGEs). The more sugar you eat, the more AGEs that form in your bloodstream. As these AGEs accumulate, they damage nearby proteins — think of dominoes. Knock one down, and the rest start to fall. The proteins that are most vulnerable to damage from AGEs are collagen and elastin — the protein fibers that keep … Continue reading

Prevent Fine Lines and Dark Spots

It’s funny how your skin can be delicate and tough at the same time. Your skin plays a big role in body defense — skin keeps out a huge amount of dirt and bacteria and protects you against scrapes, scratches, and punctures. But for all your skin’s toughness, it can be so easy to end up with fine lines, wrinkles, and dark spots, especially on your face. Here are some tips to help prevent fine lines and dark spots: Always wear sunscreen! Choose a sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher for best sun protection. Overexposure to the sun can leave … Continue reading

Feed Your Skin

The right foods can leave your skin smooth, healthy, and glowing. Blueberries are chock full of antioxidants — more than most other foods do. The antioxidants in blueberries can help protect your skin from dangerous free radicals that result from sun exposure and stress. Just one half cup of blueberries every day can help prevent cell damage that can leave your skin saggy, lined, and wrinkled. Fish with high omega-3 fatty acid content — like sardines, salmon, and mackerel — help strengthen cell membranes. This keeps moisture in your skin cells, leaving your skin plump and soft. Omega-3 fatty acids … Continue reading

Eating Your Way To Healthy Skin

Last week I was watching some morning show that was promoting Catherine Zeta-Jones’ new movie “No Reservations.” In it she plays a high-powered chef in a busy Manhattan restaurant. Only in real life, Zeta-Jones told the interviewer that she rarely cooks for her family. Interesting (though not surprising, after all, how many millionaires do you know that don’t have a private chef), but that wasn’t the part of the interview that threw me. When Zeta-Jones’ was asked how she maintains such a flawless complexion given her work schedule (apparently many of the restaurant scenes were shot after midnight) she answered: … Continue reading

Shrink Your Pores

Large pores aren’t harmful — they’re just annoying. When your pores get clogged with dead skin cells and skin oil (sebum), they start to stretch and sag. If the pores fill up with sebum, the oil can oxidize and turn dark, which makes the pores more visible. Large pores can happen just about anywhere, but you may see them in places where your skin is oilier than others; I tend to get large pores on my nose. If you don’t like the way large pores look, here are some tips to shrink them a bit. Keep your skin clean! If … Continue reading

Natural Fixes For Dry, Cracked Heels

As we get ready to roll into summer, the number of lotion commercials on television seems to increase. Especially commercials for foot creams! According to the ads, we should hide our dry, cracked heels away now that “sandal weather” is here. I’ve got some seriously dry and cracked heels. To be completely honest, if I could go barefoot all year, I would. That sure doesn’t help the state of my feet! But there are plenty of at-home remedies that can smooth over the rough edges and get your feet primped and pampered for “sandal weather”. Soak your feet to soften … Continue reading