Saving Kids from Hot Cars

One of the things that I really dread about summer are all the reports of babies and toddlers who die or are critically injured when a parent or caregiver inadvertently leaves them behind in a hot car. Often, it is hours before a child is discovered, and with internal temperatures reach 120 degrees, these babies are found too late to be saved. Why does it happen? Overwhelmed or distracted drivers simply forget. Sometimes a change in routine is enough to do it. The parent that doesn’t usually drop the child off at daycare has to do it one time and … Continue reading

Get Healthy Now – Part 2

Still in need of some get healthy now tips? Here are a few more to kick-start you on your way to a better you: Eat more fruits and veggies! Every meal should contain at least one fruit and vegetable. We are supposed to have between 2 and 4 servings of fruit each day and between 3 and 5 servings of vegetables each day. Add up what you’ve had on any given day and it might frighten you (it has me!). Dry-brush your teeth. It may sound odd, but just 30 seconds of dry brushing your teeth (no toothpaste) can cut … Continue reading

Get Healthy Now – Part 1

If you are like me, you always think that getting healthy is going to be difficult and require a lot of change. But, I have to remind myself that just a few small changes will eventually add up to big results. I have the same problem with saving money. What small changes can you make right now to be healthier? Here are a few: Eat pistachios, especially if you have high cholesterol. Just two to three ounces of pistachios (unsalted of course) daily can raise your HDL, the good cholesterol. Avoid dry cleaners. I do this because I just don’t … Continue reading

What is Flesh-Eating Bacteria and Are You at Risk?

Flesh-eating bacteria has been in the news a lot today. First, there is the young woman who is just lost her leg after she suffered a cut on a zip line and is facing the amputation of her fingers, and then there is the South Carolina (SC) woman, a new mom of twins who first noticed a strange spot on the back of her leg that has her now fighting for her life. But what is flesh-eating bacteria, and how can we prevent such a tragedy from happening in our own families? Just the name flesh-eating bacteria is enough to … Continue reading

Purge Toxic Friendships and Get Healthier

Having a toxic friendship can really affect your health. It can raise your stress levels and affect your self esteem, plus hit you other areas, such as financially, and drain your resources. No one wants to consider ending a friendship, but sometimes when the cost of having that relationship is too much on your health, it becomes necessary. What is a toxic friendship? If you are part of a toxic friendship, you may be spending time with a friend who takes more than she gives, focuses more on her own needs than anyone else’s, demands too much from you, or … Continue reading

National Walking Day

I start walking and then I stop. Then I start walking again, and then I stop. I know I sound like the “I lift things up and put them down” guy on the Planet Fitness commercial, but seriously, I do this over and over again. I know walking is good for me and every so often, I decided to start a regime. Then, for whatever reason – I get sick, I get busy, I forget – I stop again. (The image was found at Morgue File.) Last time I went to the doctor, my cholesterol was bad, so I know … Continue reading

Too Much Work Can Harm Your Health

Some Americans define themselves by their work, so they work extra long and extra hard to accomplish their goals. Some Americans simply have to work long hours just to get by. Either way, working too much can be bad for your health. One thing it can cause is depression. This seems understandable. WebMD has said that working too many hours may make you less interested in your friends and family as well as neglectful in good care of yourself. Another problem that I worry about myself is sitting too much. I get involved in a web page or a blog … Continue reading

What Is It Like to Get a Mammogram?

If you have never gotten a mammogram, you may be a little anxious about the process. Here is what it is like and what you can expect during your first mammogram. I remember the first time that I got a mammogram. It was an interesting experience and I wished I had known a little more about the process before I had to get one done. Then again, I am the kind of person who grills the oral surgeon for all of the gruesome details about how exactly he plans on extracting my embedded wisdom tooth. Don’t worry, it isn’t that … Continue reading

Dissolving Fruit Stickers

Now I’ve heard of everything! Well, I am sure I haven’t, but today, I read about dissolving fruit stickers. You know those pesky little stickers that appear on fruit to tell you what kind it is and give the number for the cashier to ring up. I always seem to have a hard time removing them, especially from peaches, without tearing the fruit up. Scott Amron didn’t really like the fruit stickers either, so he decided to do something about it. But, Amron went further than just getting rid of the stickers; he tried to make eating the fruit itself … Continue reading

What You Eat Could Be Triggering Your Headaches

No one wants to suffer from headaches, especially the ones that just keep coming back. Not only do you have to deal with the pain, but headaches can really affect your lifestye and the things that you can do on a daily basis. Headaches can be caused by a number of things, but if you can’t figure out why it feels as though your brain is about to explode, take a look at what you are eating. It just may be the key to what is causing the headaches and how to prevent them from happening. Many food items contain … Continue reading