Sneaky Ways to Remember Your Sunscreen

Memorial Day has passed here in the States, and that means it’s semi-officially summer! Sure, you can count June 21st as the official start of summer if you like, but the pool’s open so it’s summer to me! (Back home at the Jersey shore, Memorial Day is also the official start of the summer tourist season, so that’s another good reason in my book.) In fact, I’m planning to spend a good chunk of the afternoon lounging by the pool with a book. That means it’s time for my annual nagging about wearing sunscreen! I’ll be the first to admit … Continue reading

Protect Them from the Sun

A young child’s skin is so delicate and damage from the sun can happen without you even being aware of it. Your child deserves the best sun protection that you can offer them. In addition to sunscreen, protect your child’s sensitive skin with protective clothing. Keep your little ones out of the direct sunlight whenever possible. Avoid going out in the sun during the strongest hours of the suns rays, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Always put a hat on your child, especially the youngest ones. A really awesome hat that I found when my child … Continue reading

Fixing Your Leaky Faucet

You might think this one belongs in the Home Blog… until I tell you that the nozzle I’m talking about is the one on your face. Post nasal drip can be a real annoyance! Mucus is a part of life — and a necessary evil when it comes to breathing. Your nose has to warm and humidify the air you breathe so it doesn’t damage the lungs on arrival. Glands in the nose and sinus cavities produce approximately two quarts of fluid every day to keep membranes in the respiratory system moist. That fluid has to go somewhere, and sometimes … Continue reading

Winter Itch

If you have dry, itchy skin during the colder months, you’re not alone. Winter itch is a relatively common complaint during the winter. Symptoms of winter itch can include: Itching (“winter itch” isn’t just a clever name) Dryness Flakiness Why is winter such a problem for your skin? This is usually the season for low humidity and low temperatures. The former is a problem because when there’s less moisture in the air, there’s less moisture for your skin to absorb. The latter is a problem because we tend to use the heat when it’s cold. That can suck even more … Continue reading

How to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions

The fresh start of a new year inspires lots of people to make New Year’s resolutions. Some of the most popular resolutions include losing weight/exercising more, saving money/managing debt, and stress reduction. What’s on your resolution list? According to the IHRSA (International Health, Racquet, and Sports Club Association), January is the biggest month for new gym memberships — New Year’s is a huge boost for the exercise industry. But as many as forty percent of those new signups stop going within the first three months. (Some experts say the number is even higher than forty percent!) We make these big, … Continue reading

Aimee’s Health Resolutions for 2009

Looking back at 2008, I did manage to keep a few of my resolutions (and failed on some others). I haven’t been using the free gym at my complex, but I did discover that the hot tub is open all year. I have been walking more (with and without the dogs), and even got out on my bike a few times. I have lost twelve pounds over the last year, thanks to my work at the cats-only boarding facility. All that bending, lifting, and general running around has whittled me down a little without it seeming like “exercise” or “hard … Continue reading

Making Healthy and Reasonable Resolutions

It’s that time of year: time to start thinking about New Year’s resolutions. I like the idea of a fresh start for the New Year. But I don’t always stick with my resolutions. I think that’s because I try to make them too big and too broad. Know what I mean? Get in shape. Eat better. Exercise more. They’re kind of nebulous and easy to forget. According to, the most popular New Year’s resolutions include: Losing weight/exercising more/getting into shape Eating better/eating right Managing debt/saving money Quitting smoking Reducing stress Getting a better job Getting a better education Travel … Continue reading

Holidays and Health

I made it through Thanksgiving without my usual holiday problem. But the winter holidays are upon us and my body is showing signs of impending doom. Ever since I started college, I’ve experienced a weird phenomenon: I tend to fall ill around the holidays. I figure it’s partly due to stress (final exams, racing around to do shopping, preparing for family gatherings) and partly due to the fact that my subconscious KNOWS that it’s got a few days off coming. The perfect time to give in to whatever bug is going around, right? Right. Because the sore throat, cough, and … Continue reading

Safe and Healthy Snow Shoveling

You might not think about it until the white stuff is falling from the sky, but shoveling snow can be quite a workout! The effort of clearing snow off the sidewalks and driveway can be a strain for your muscles — especially your heart. Shoveling snow is pretty intense exercise. Bending, lifting, twisting, throwing… it engages a lot of your body. If you aren’t in decent shape to start with, it can be a real strain on your system. Here are some tips to help you take care of yourself while you take care of the snow. Start shoveling early … Continue reading

Ask a Health Blogger: Dry, Bloody Nose

Lately when I blow my nose, I see red or brown streaks on the tissue. What’s going on? I’ve had a stuffy nose lately — but I thought it was just fall allergies. Should I be worried? I don’t think you have an emergency on your hands. My first question in response is: how dry is it in your house? When I have blood in my snot (red or brown streaks), it’s often because things are dry. I also tend to get nosebleeds a LOT during the winter. Something as simple as running a humidifier in your bedroom might help. … Continue reading