Solar Eclipse: Don’t Look Directly at the Sun

Many of you lucky people are gearing up to experience the first solar eclipse of the century. On Sunday, a partial solar eclipse is expected to block out most of the sun sometime between 5:16 and 7:40 pm. Pretty much the entire country (USA) will experience the solar eclipse, with the exception of the eastern seaboard, where I live. Many national parks are setting up to make safe and easy viewing possible. With a solar eclipse, it is very important that you look carefully, and take precautions. Viewing a solar eclipse directly can seriously damage your eyes. Permanently. The best … Continue reading

Is Your Home Office Making You Sick?

Home office. Corporate office. Any office. In my opinion they are all environments that can compromise our mental health (slave driver boss, mandated overtime, etc.), but what about our physical health? In a previous blog Aimee detailed research that found some laser printers emit what is considered as “dangerous” levels of ultra-fine toner particles into the air. The study went on to say that people exposed to high levels of these particles are at risk of suffering respiratory irritation, severe cardiovascular problems, even cancer. Unfortunately, even if you don’t work near one of these types of laser printers there are … Continue reading

Tip of the Day- Put away Your Antibacterial Soap

Ok, some of you are going to think I’m really off the wall with this one. Here it goes anyway. Do you remember that scene at the end of War of the Worlds (sorry I never could get through the book so I don’t know if it’s there as well) where the heroes are pontificating on the reasons why the robot monsters are suddenly imploding. The only line I remember from the whole movie is: “We’ve earned the right to be here.” I’m probably quoting it wrong. I didn’t like the movie much. Here’s the deal though, they were right. … Continue reading

Tip of the Day- Register for a CPR Course

It only takes a few minutes to register, a couple hours out of your week and usually less than $50.00 out of your pocket. It’s definitely worth both the time and monetary costs. You can take the courses at your home with family and friends, with a group from your community or on your computer. It’s important to learn a little bit about how to save a life and what to do in an emergency. Statistics tell us that 80% of all heart attacks will happen in the person’s own home. So the number one reason for knowing CPR (cardiopulmonary … Continue reading

Tip of the Day- Do a Skin Assessment

I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t like to think about what I really look like without my clothes on. Naked assessments of my body are something I generally try to avoid. The only advice I have to offer is to concentrate on the skin, and not how much there is of it. Why am I even asking you to do this? Because, I want you to live a long and healthy life. Each year more than one million people will find out they have skin cancer. Ten thousand people will die from it. The sun and genetics … Continue reading

Tip of the Day- Play a game of tag

It’s just a fact of life that most of us need more exercise than we get. Most of us see it as a “have to” rather than a privilege to be able to move our bodies and go about most of the activities that we want to each day. Just for today, enjoy your family, enjoy life, and enjoy your body. Gather the kids around you and play a game of tag. Inside or out, be as creative as you’d like but get up and move. Combining exercise with the things we love most gives us an added benefit. Not … Continue reading

Tip of the Day- Clean out your shoes

Ok, if I asked you how many pairs of shoes you own, how many of you could give me an honest answer? Do you have a few select pairs that you always depend on, or do you have a mountain in your closet that you dig through everyday for the perfect pair? Now, the harder question. Once you get that perfect pair on, are they killing your feet before the end of the day? Yes, fashion is important. Comfort is more important. If your shoes don’t fit properly you’re costing yourself. In the name of fashion women will commit all … Continue reading

Tip of the Day- Wear your seat belt

They’re uncomfortable, they wrinkle your blouse, they’re one more thing to remember, and they can save your life. Wear your seat belt today. Every time you get in the car, buckle that belt. I don’t care if you’re only going to the end of your driveway to get the mail. Whatever pulls you to get into a car today, make sure your seat belt is securely fastened before the car leaves park. Click your own and double check to make sure everyone else is secured as well. No one particularly likes wearing a seat belt and everyone has heard the … Continue reading

Tip of the Day- Clean your window sills

Ok, I admit it. I’m not exactly a neat freak. I wear multiple hats, including mother to young children, and the last thing I want to do each day is clean my house. The basics get done (most of the time) and the rest just sort of sits there until there is a compelling enough reason for me to care about taking care of them. One of those things that I never get around to is my window sills. This is partly because I have designated my 6 and 8 year old boys as the window washers in the family. … Continue reading

Tip of the Day- Drink an Extra Glass of Water

Well, go on. Do it right now before you forget or can make an excuse. Walk away from the computer, grab a glass (a big one, not your child’s sippy cup), fill it up, and chug it down! Some people like water, some don’t. I happen to be a water drinker; I’m not very fond of sodas and I can’t afford juices all the time. Besides, when I really think about it I’m drinking because I’m thirsty or because I want a specific taste of something. If I’m drinking something for the flavor that’s fine. If I’m drinking because I’m … Continue reading