Protecting Your Eyes

One of my favorite journalists – heck, who am I kidding? – my favorite journalist, Anderson Cooper, suffered temporary blindness this past week. Did he have some genetic condition that caused this blindness?  Did he splash something in his eye?  No, Cooper sunburned his eyes while in Portugal. Sunburned his eyes?  Just the mere thought of that makes my eyes squint in horror! Awakened by pain, Cooper originally dismissed it as sand in his eyes.  But, he realized when he was blind that it was something more serious.  Cooper lost his eyesight for 36 hours. That must have been pretty … Continue reading

Watching Out for Vision Problems

A parent, grandparent, or other family member may be the first to notice that a child is having vision problems. Or, it may be a teacher or other educator who notices the problem. Sometimes, a vision problem goes undetected until an annual eye exam. A child who is having vision problems may not come out and say something like, “I can’t see the blackboard,” or “It’s hard to see things that are far away.” They may not say anything at all! But there are some signs you can watch out for. When your child is reading or doing other close … Continue reading

Home Modifications for People with Low Vision

Low vision may restrict you from certain activities, but it doesn’t mean you can’t be independent and active! Here are some tips that may help make things easier around the house if you have low vision. Mark everyday, often used items with bright colors. Try colored electrical tape or neon sticky notes to make certain items easier to find. Increase lighting in workspaces and reading areas. (One of the best things my grandmother ever got from a physical therapist was a portable, bright light she uses when checking her blood sugar levels.) Increase lighting in stairwells, hallways, and other travel … Continue reading

Sensitive Eyes

Sensitive Eyes sounds like a good title for a dreamy romance novel… but I was thinking more of your actual eyes being sensitive to things. Maybe I’ll write that romance someday, though! You may already know if you have sensitive eyes. Symptoms can include: Bloodshot eyes Excessive tearing or watering A generally uncomfortable feeling Basically, sensitive eyes are easily irritated by things that don’t bother most other people. You may find your eyes easily irritated by smoke, dry air, wind, chemical fumes, and more. A number of different things can lead to sensitive eyes. A healthy, normal eye has a … Continue reading

Where Do Eye Boogers Come From?

Sleepies. Crusties. Eye boogers. They’re a common (if minor) part of just about everybody’s day. So where do they come from? My parents always told me that the Sandman came around and helped people fall asleep… and the stuff attached to your eyelashes the next morning was extra sand. Thank goodness I never tried to save Sandman sand up for sleepless nights! One official name for eye boogers is rheum. Rheum is the natural discharge of the eye, formed from a combination of mucus, tears, dust, and even skin cells from the eyelids. The eye produces rheum all day… so … Continue reading

Blind Man Sees Again

I heard this story on the radio this morning, and had to check the local news to be sure: a local legally blind man experienced a miraculous return of his vision! Ninety year old Tualatin, Oregon resident Marty Alvey has been legally blind for years, thanks to macular degeneration — a loss of vision in the center of the eye that is a major cause of blindness in older adults. He could only see things that were a foot or less away. All that changed over the weekend. On Saturday night, Alvey felt ill and called 911, fearing a stroke. … Continue reading

Beneath Your Eyes

I was watching The Colbert Report the other day, and caught a segment on an FDA-approved mini-laser that is designed to treat wrinkles around the eyes at home. I’m not so sure I like the idea of trying to use a laser anywhere on my own face… let alone around the eyes. The skin around the eyes is very delicate — some say the most fragile skin on the entire body. Lots of things can contribute to wrinkles, dark circles, and other damage to the skin beneath your eyes: Sun exposure. UV rays are a major contributor to the development … Continue reading

What Is Strabismus?

Do you know someone who complains of seeing double? Is there a slight crossing of the eyes? These are just two of the symptoms of a vision disturbance known as strabismus. Strabismus occurs when both of the eyes do not appear to line up in the same direction due to a defect in the coordination of the eyes. Many people refer to this condition as “cross-eyed”. It is unclear why this condition occurs or why it is most apparent in children. In the majority of strabismus cases it is discovered at birth or some time shortly thereafter. This type of … Continue reading

What is Monovision?

It happens right about when you hit the ripe old age of 40 or so. You start having to need to hold your book or the newspaper just a little bit further away from your eyes in order to see more clearly. This, my friends, is known as presbyopia. It is a normal part of the aging process of the eyes. What will work in helping you to see better are those little glasses that you can buy as a nonprescription remedy at most supermarkets, discount stores, and pharmacies. If you wear glasses though, this solution is out. You will … Continue reading

Help Your Eyes Adjust to Bifocals

The day may come when the eye doctor switches you from regular glasses to bifocals (or trifocals) — especially if you have trouble seeing close up and things that are far away. For someone used to single-prescription glasses, the switch to bifocals can be disorienting. Eye doctors say that it may take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to get used to multifocal lenses. You may need to re-visit the optometrist for adjustments — you’re dealing with two separate prescriptions living in one glasses frame. The measurements need to be more precise than traditional single-focus glasses. Here … Continue reading