How to Make a Mammogram More Comfortable

If you have been putting off getting a mammogram because it is uncomfortable, you might want to know that there are several ways to make it a bit more pleasant. Okay, maybe pleasant isn’t the right word. After all, when someone takes your breast and stretched it across the room before smooshing it flat, you have to expect some discomfort. You can, however, lessen that experience with some simple steps. Timing is Everything The timing of your mammogram can make a big difference in how comfortable the procedure can be. Breast are most sensitive in the days leading up to … Continue reading

When Should I Get a Mammogram?

Do you know when you should start having regular mammograms? Educate yourself. It could save your life. 40 or 50? The other day, I got a little letter in the mail reminding me that I need to make my next appointment for a mammogram. If I were to follow the new guidelines about mammogram recommendations, my breasts might be flying under the radar. That is, unless I found a problem, I wouldn’t be getting the test each year. And since breast cancer is most curable when in the early stages, for someone who develops the disease, her story could end … Continue reading

Women and Age-Related Eye Problems

I was just remarking to my husband this morning that I really need to get a new pair of glasses. Since I wear contacts most of the time, glasses haven’t been a high priority. I usually only wear them in the morning before I’ve gotten a chance to pop those contacts in for the day. When I do wear my glasses, I tend to go around in a pair that is all scratched up, with one mismatched arm and frames that are slightly bent from being used my our youngest child to help his teddy bear see. Okay, so I … Continue reading

Could There Be a Vaccine for Breast Cancer?

Could there really be a vaccine for breast cancer in the near future? I have been hearing about this story quite a bit in the news. After successfully testing mice with a vaccine, there is great hope that breast cancer could be prevented in women. Now that the mice have been tested it’s time to move onto human clinical tests. It’s believed that possibly next year they will be ready to begin testing on women. Now I do have to admit that I am always apprehensive about new vaccinations. The first thing that comes to my mind is wondering what … Continue reading

It’s National Women’s Health Week

This week is National Women’s Health Week, which is intended to empower women to make their health a top priority. The truth is that many times women put themselves at the bottom of their list. So many other people and circumstances call to us that we are often left without any resources for ourselves. The theme for this week is “It’s Your Time” and I want to make that same declaration to every woman who reads this. It is your time. It is your time to make whatever changes in your life are necessary in order to be the best … Continue reading

Emotional Support Can Improve Odds for Breast Cancer Patients

Breast cancer is one of the leading types of cancer in the United States. If you or someone you know has battled with breast cancer, you understand the need for support and encouragement. Recently the “Cancer Support Community’s Research and Training Institute” unveiled a new registry for breast cancer survivors. These remarkable survivors will have the opportunity to share their experience and impact others who are going through the same thing. It is believed that emotional support can improve the survival odds for breast cancer patients. The Breast Cancer M.A.P. (Mind Affects the Physical) Project is recruiting survivors of breast … Continue reading

Is Menstrual Suppression Risky?

You’ve seen the ads, a smiling, peppy and attractive woman skips merrily about her day. She smiles at the camera and says, “Who says you have to have a monthly period?” To which to my husband’s amusement, I shout, “Uh, nature?” Sometimes, after the commercial has appeared for the seventh time in one half-hour program, I’ll switch it up with my vocabulary, but you get the point. Menstrual suppression occurs when a woman takes hormones (usually extra birth control pills) to suppress her natural menstrual cycle, eliminating most of her periods. Normal birth control includes a week of placebo pills … Continue reading

How I Got My Home Gym For Free

The fact that I’m frugal spreads over into every part of my life, from my diet and clothing, to my health routines. Of course, I wouldn’t sacrifice my health just to save a buck, but I do look for free ways to work out. A lot of doctors recommend walking, but since I live in Tucson, Arizona, walking outdoors any time between the hours of 6am and 9pm isn’t going to happen, especially during the summer. I don’t like being uncomfortable, and trudging around in the heat kills any of my good intentions to exercise. Staying indoors where the temperature … Continue reading

Mood Swings and Perimenopause

Mood swings in women have mostly been attributed to PMS. Sometimes we will hear comments like, “She must be PMSing.” Although mood swings can be a result of PMS there is a time in a woman’s life when it’s actually related to perimenopause. As women approach age 40 they may begin to experience intense mood swings not realizing they are due to perimenopause. Our family has been going through a difficult time with a failing marriage. When we got together for Easter we were without one particular family member and were discussing the marriage problems. It was brought up how … Continue reading

Why Don’t We Talk About Perimenopause?

Why don’t we talk about perimenopause? Women talk a great deal about menopause. Menopause has been the butt of jokes for years. We associate hot flashes and mood swings with menopause, however, little is said about the stage preceding menopause which is perimenopause. Some of the same symptoms that are experienced in menopause can also occur in perimenopause. Perimenopause is the transition stage before menopause hits. It can last anywhere from two to ten years before menopause takes full effect and the menstrual period ceases. The average duration of perimenopause is six years so it’s obviously an important stage in … Continue reading