Working at Home While the Kids are Sick

When you work from home, there are some things that can throw a wrench into even the most carefully planned work schedule. Even if you think that you have allowed for plenty of “wiggle room” in your schedule so that you can move things around if you have to, there will be things that arise which use up all of your planned for “wiggle room” and then some. When one or more of your children are not feeling well, it can be very difficult to stick to whatever work schedule you had planned. I used to think that the “sick … Continue reading

Thankful To Work From Home

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I feel that it is important that I share how grateful I am that I work from home. Owning my two part time home – based businesses has enabled me to do something that I always knew that I wanted to do – stay home with my kids. While my husband and I have made and continue to make many adjustments and sacrifices along the way to ensure that only one of us works outside of the home, I would not trade my current lifestyle for that which I could have if I were employed … Continue reading

Home Based Business Idea – Pies

One of the great things about starting your own business is that you get to determine your niche within whatever category your business fits into. If you are thinking about starting a baking business, why not take a look at whether you could build your business around pies. Sure, cupcakes may be a hot item right now, but in many markets there is a lot of competition. Baking pies just might be a niche where you can get noticed. A good pie crust recipe is as essential as a good business plan if you are thinking of going into the … Continue reading

Low Cost Home Business Ideas

Sometimes, people who really want to work from home stop short of investigating home – based business options because they think that starting a home – based business requires more money than they have. While it is important to be realistic about what it will cost to open up a home – based business, you may not know that there are options out there that are within reach for people with all kinds of budgets. For example, my freelance writing business cost me next to nothing to start because I used a computer that I already had, internet service that … Continue reading

Shout It From The Rooftop

When I first started working from home, I was a little sheepish when it came to telling other people what I did for work. Part of that may come from being a full time stay at home mom, because I know that there are many women out there who would like to stay home with their children but are for whatever reason unable to do so. I was a little shy about mentioning that because I don’t want anyone to get the idea that I’m some wealthy, spoiled princess who does not have to work for a living. While it … Continue reading

Thankful For My Office Equipment Upgrade

There is a crazy amount of thunder and lightning outside, but I’m doing quite all right at my kitchen table home office. Fortunately, the kids are not at all bothered by all of the flashing and crashing so I am able to carry on with the evening’s work as scheduled. A few minutes ago, I began to worry about whether the electricity will be knocked out by the storm. Mid – worry, I caught myself. I realized that I no longer need to be overly concerned about losing electricity for one night, thanks to a wonderful birthday gift that I … Continue reading

The Freedoms Of A Home – Based Professional

Right about now, freedom and liberty are at the forefront of many people’s minds. They are the values upon which America was founded, and they are things that many of us do not feel that we have enough of in our day to day lives. When I became a home – based professional, I realized just how much freedom I have as the owner of my own businesses. In many professions such as law, taking years off of work to raise a family does not always bode well for one’s career path. Unless, of course, your career path is self … Continue reading

Home Business Idea: Etiquette and Life Coach

What is a life coach? A life coach is a person who basically helps a person identify challenges and form solutions to get his life on the track he intends. A life coach is not a therapist by education or function. The relationship between a life coach and client is more balanced and more mentoring as opposed to healing and of course there is no administering of medication. Areas life coaches address: Relationships and Intimacy Stress Management and Balance Spirituality and Personal Growth Entrepreneurial and Small Business Development Career Planning and Development Motivation and Time Management Creativity for Artists, Writers, … Continue reading

So, What Do You Do For Work?

One of the interesting things that I have experienced as a home – based professional is that funny feeling when you meet someone in either a personal or a professional setting and they ask you what you do for work. I am not sure whether anyone else feels weird when this happens, but I do. Not weird in a bad way, but weird in the sense that I have to pause and think for a moment before I decide how to explain what I do all day every day to the particular person that I am talking to. I suppose … Continue reading

Summon Your Strength To Get It Done

Sometimes, the thought is more unpleasant than the process. When you have your own home – based business, you may go through times where you wonder how on earth you are going to get all of the work that you have to get done on time. You might make a plan for when you will do the work, and that is a good thing because it is important to stay organized. Unfortunately, looking at the road map that you have set out for the week, month, or project can sometimes be overwhelming. If you find yourself staring down a deadline … Continue reading