Diary of a Work at Home Mom Part 12

Have you ever had one of those days where you wonder where all of your time went? I know that I have those days sometimes, and today was certainly one of them. It seems as if in between doing some of the things that I wanted to do and needed to do, not much else got done. It seems like there was some kind of time monster following me around, gobbling up spare bits of time here and there so that I had less time than I thought. We all know that there’s no time monster following us around, eating … Continue reading

Diary of a Work at Home Mom Part 11

Today is a beautiful, sunny day here. It is a welcome relief after two and a half days of nothing but rain. It is the perfect day to take my little guy to the lake. While today seems so perfect that I am tempted to think that the end of summer is nowhere near, it is hard to ignore the signs that summer is in fact drawing to a close. For many work at home parents, the days to squeeze in a little more sun and fun before the school bus arrives are going by all too quickly. As the … Continue reading

Diary of a Work-at-Home Mom Part 10

This evening is the last evening of our vacation. We will be enjoying breakfast with my dad, my sister, and her fiancee before we hit the road for a five hour drive home tomorrow. As I think about returning home after this vacation, I am unsure about how I will feel once I am back home. We have enjoyed our time here, but it is quite possible that I will welcome a return to our usual schedule. When we return home, I will be returning to my normal work schedule. There is plenty of work waiting for me when I … Continue reading

Diary of a Work at Home Mom Part 9

If you work from home and you want to take a vacation, sometimes it is possible to take care of business and get things to a point where you can leave it all at home for a week save for the occasional phone call or email. Many times though, in order to be able to take a vacation you must be willing to take at least a little work with you. This week, I am on vacation. My husband, my son, and I left Vermont last night and drove to Cape Cod to meet up with my dad, my sister, … Continue reading

A Lot Can Change in a Year

Yesterday I wrote about how home-based professionals who use Elance can improve upon their contractor profile so that they have a better chance of winning jobs and getting invited to bid on better projects. Later in the evening, I decided to follow my own advice and at least get started on improving my own profile. When I looked at what I had written there over a year ago when I joined Elance, I was surprised at how much things had changed. For one thing, I now have experience. When I started out as a freelance writer, I had no experience … Continue reading

Diary of a Work-at-Home Mom, Part 7

Today is my first day of testing out a new work arrangement that my family has implemented in order for me to have more time available to do my work. In the past months, I had been working outside of the home a day or two a week. I recently stopped working at that job because I realized that I did not like being there because I felt that I could make more money and have more control over my time if I were to work from home one full day each week in addition to my usual work times. … Continue reading

Diary of a Work-at-Home Mom, Part 6

Today is not my birthday, nor is it my anniversary or any other special day that would usually cause me to receive gifts. I did receive two unexpected gifts today, though. Both of them were given by my nineteen-month-old son, who has a very generous heart for someone so small. He gives freely, especially hugs, kisses, and smiles but today he gave even more than that. The first gift arrived during his nap time. Usually he naps for about an hour, and I do as much work as I can during that time. Today, though, he napped for two hours. … Continue reading

Diary of a Work-at-Home Mom, Part 5

Today, I’ve taken my work to the streets again in my ultra-sophisticated mobile office. Okay, so it is not very sophisticated. It consists of a 2001 Toyota Echo, a really great car seat that my son absolutely loves, and my beat up laptop that has about an hour of battery life if that. It’s what we’ve got, though, and it suits us just fine. Dylan and I are headed out to do some errands at the nearest place that has all of the stores that we have to go to. It takes about a half hour to get there, and … Continue reading

Diary of a Work-At-Home Mom Part 4

Today my son turned nineteen months old. He is growing so fast and lately, his vocabulary is expanding faster than I had ever thought was possible. Spending time with him today and reflecting on what I have been able to experience with him because I made the choice to work at home makes me feel very deeply fulfilled. There certainly are days when I doubt the wisdom of my decision to work at home, mostly those days when money is tight and it seems unlikely that all of the bills will be paid that month. Those days are so much … Continue reading

Happy Father’s Day to Home-Based Professional Dads

It is Father’s Day weekend so it is a great time to acknowledge all of the dads out there that work from home. Whether they work full time or part time, these men have decided that the path of the home-based professional works for them. It takes hard work and dedication to be both a dad and a home-based professional, along with patience, adaptability and a whole lot more. In fact, many of the qualities that make a great dad are also qualities of successful home-based professionals. I am proud to say that in recent years, my dad has become … Continue reading