Diary of a Work-at-Home Mom, Part 3

In my work-at-home mom world, each day’s work holds something slightly different. That’s just the work end of things. There is also plenty of variety as far as the other things that I do during the day in my roles as “mom”, wife, and “domestic goddess wannabe”. This is, for the most part, a good thing and I certainly never get bored. It also means that I go through quite a few transitions each day. On any given day, I could be writing a blog post or two (or maybe even three) during Dylan’s nap and then writing more blog … Continue reading

Dads and Home Based Business

Father’s Day is in just a few days, and I would like to discuss some of the ways that dads contribute to home-based business success. Some dads are home-based professionals. Many men enjoy the freedom that comes with entrepreneurship or home-based work and they often achieve professional goals that far exceed what they had imagined. Some of these dads are also stay-at-home dads, balancing fatherhood and work while building close relationships with their children. It is also important to note that stay-at-home dads provide valuable support to their wives or girlfriends in their careers whether the women work outside of … Continue reading

Diary of a Work-at-Home Mom, Part 2

Today has not been the most productive day for this work at home mom. Everything started out fine, but then again nothing work-related ever happens during the early part of the day. I spent most of the morning outside in the yard playing with my son, and both of us enjoyed that a lot. He got tired around his usual nap time, so everything was going smoothly then too. Once Dylan was napping, I fired up the computer to begin work on one of my writing assignments. I had not started this assignment yet, and it took a little while … Continue reading

Sales Consultant List of Opportunities, Part 1

If you seek a business opportunity that is already established then a sales consultant business may be for you. Sales consultant businesses vary in opportunity, investment and products. You should find the one that suits you to increase the likelihood of your success. The more passionate about a product you are the more likely you will be motivated to make your business work. Before you begin thoroughly research the company, requirements, fees, and inventory you need to be aware of before signing up. Here are some options: Barefoot Books: Barefoot Books sells children’s books, CDs and gifts. There are no … Continue reading

What’s On Your Plate?

One major issue that home-based professionals often deal with in running their businesses is the issue of their work load. The amount of work that a home-based professional can have on his or her plate at any given time depends on much more than just how much work is available. Also, home-based professionals must decide when it is time to change their work load by adding more work or by taking on less work, and even sometimes delegating work out to other people. What are some of the factors that affect a home-based professional’s work load? For starters, there are … Continue reading

A Dream, Some Hope, and a Laptop

As I reflect on my first year in business as a writer, the biggest thing that comes to mind is how much I still love it. This is not uncommon; in fact it often happens when a person leaves the world of traditional work and starts a business doing something that they love. When I started my writing business I knew that I would enjoy working as a writer, but I did not realize that I would come to enjoy it more and more as I went along. In the year that I have been working as a writer, I … Continue reading

An Easy Way To Simplify Your Business Finances

When you own and operate your own home-based business, it can be tempting to just place all of your earnings into your regular bank account and use that same account to make all of your personal and business purchases. If this is your current business accounting strategy, it may be time to rethink things a bit and consider giving your business its own checking and savings accounts. One major reason why it is important to have separate accounts for your business and personal funds is ease of record keeping. When you keep all of your money together, it can be … Continue reading

The Charm Factory: Customized Tags for Your Jewelry Business

The Charm Factory has a charm for every occasion, event, person and holiday. With over 5000 charms, you are certain to find a few perfect to make a bracelet or necklace uniquely “you”. It can be fun to just sit and look through all the fun charms offered. The Charm Factory is also a great resource for jewelry makers to find unique items to add to their creations. The Charm Factory also serves jewelry makers by offering a wide selection of custom engraved jewelry tags. You can choose the thirty fonts to represent your name or company name. You may … Continue reading

Blessings and Curses

I have found working from home to be both a blessing and a curse. Sometimes the very things that are blessings can also be a curse. Let me explain. This past Monday my son was home sick. He really needed to get into the doctor. It was a blessing that I was able to be home with him and take him to the doctor. The curse was that because I did take him to the doctor and it took away three hours of work time, my day on Tuesday got screwed up. Tuesday I already had plans made to meet … Continue reading

Why Parents Make Great Entrepreneurs

If you are a parent and you are thinking about starting a home-based business, you are in luck. Parenting and entrepreneurship have a few things in common, and that means that parents are likely to be very successful in home-based business ventures. What are these common elements, and why are they important? Sometimes parents, especially those of us who choose to stay home with our children and leave the workplace for a while, feel like they no longer have what it takes to succeed in business. This is why it is important to learn about the similarities between entrepreneurship and … Continue reading