Is it Time to Say Goodbye to Your Fax Machine?

It seems like not that long ago, fax machines were essential pieces of business equipment. However, the reign of the fax machine as an office essential was short lived. Thanks to internet fax services and smartphone faxing apps, the fax machine appears to be going the way of the dinosaur. Why should home – based professionals consider getting rid of their fax machines? For one thing, fax machines require an additional telephone line. Lose the fax; lose the monthly fee for that line. In fact, if you live in a household where you do not want or need a landline … Continue reading

Will 2013 be the Year That You Start a Home Based Business?

If you feel strongly that 2013 will be the year that you start a home – based business, good for you. You are in good company here on the home – based business blog, where we wholeheartedly encourage anyone and everyone to consider whether working from home will work for them. If you have all of the drive and desire to start your business but you are not sure what type of business to start, here are a few suggestions. Even if one of them does not appeal to you, this list may be enough to get you thinking about … Continue reading

Home Based Business Annual Review – Law Office

The other day, I talked about the importance of evaluating the performance of your home – based business at least once a year. Today I am evaluating my solo law practice. I do not spend much time working at this business, yet each hour that I do spend produces a nice amount of income. It is an expensive business to maintain, though, between licensing fees, continuing legal education, and malpractice insurance. Since I am unable to devote much time to practicing law, I keep a very tiny case load of no more than two cases at a time. This is … Continue reading

Sample Annual Review for a Home Based Business

Yesterday, I talked about the importance of evaluating your performance and the performance of your home – based business at least once a year. Since I have not evaluated my two home – based businesses yet this year, now is a good time for me to do so. Today I am evaluating my freelance writing business. It is the business that I spend the most time working at, and the business that is my primary source of income. Just so you know exactly what is being evaluated, my freelance writing business is a sole proprietorship. I work part time, between ten and … Continue reading

Have You Done an Evaluation for Your Home Based Business?

At this time of year, many people think back on how their businesses have performed over the past year. If you own and operate your own business, this necessarily involves evaluating your own performance as well. Giving yourself and your business an evaluation may seem unappealing, but it is certainly something doing, at least on an annual basis if not more frequently. Evaluating yourself and your business does not have to be a complicated or time consuming exercise. After all, your time is valuable, and you still (hopefully) have plenty of work to do. The year is not over yet, so … Continue reading

The Ultimate in Job Security

In today’s economy, job security is a growing concern for a number of workers. It used to be that a person could get a job fresh out of high school or college and work for the same company, often advancing a number of times, until their eventual retirement. That does not happen nearly as much as it used to. People change jobs fairly often, and sometimes they lose them entirely due to downsizing or businesses closing their doors. Starting your own home – based business can be a way to create job security for yourself. Since you are in charge … Continue reading

Long Term Clients are a Freelancer’s Best Friend

If you are considering starting a home – based business as a freelance writer or some other type of freelance professional but you are worried about constantly having to look for work, this post is for you. It is only natural to wonder whether you will have to spend a lot of time looking for work in order to keep your plate (and your bank account) full enough all the time. That said I am happy to tell you that you do not have to let that fear get in the way of pursuing your home – based dreams. When … Continue reading

Avoiding Home Business Scams Just Got Easier

It has been a while since I have looked at any interesting books that home – based professionals or aspiring home – based professionals might find helpful. Today, I went looking for just that kind of book and I found it. The book, “I Got Scammed So You Don’t Have To : How to Find Legitimate Work at Home and Random Jobs in a Scamming Economy ”, has a very long title. Fortunately, the title of this book by author Bethany Mooradian accurately describes what you will find inside. Ms. Mooradian has a lot of experience working at all kinds of … Continue reading

One Thing at a Time

One of the reasons that I love working from home is that I am able to choose when I work, and under what circumstances. I choose to work at night, after my boys go to bed. The house is quiet, and I have time to think and to concentrate on my work. You see, I only like working when I can focus on my work and nothing but my work. I am not a multitasker. Many people sing the praises of multitasking, shouting loudly from the rooftops (okay, maybe just on Facebook) about how productive they are being while doing … Continue reading

Share the Home Based Love – Hire a Freelancer

If you are a home – based professional and you need professional help with something for your business, you have a unique opportunity available to you. Whenever you need a logo, web site, ad campaign, or something else that you would prefer not to do yourself, you have the ability to make another home – based professional’s day. That’s right, you can share the home – based business love by hiring other home – based professionals to complete those projects that you need done. Hiring other home – based professionals does not need to be complicated. Web sites like Elance, … Continue reading