Millionaire Moms on Oprah and The View

I need to start this blog entry with a bit of a disclaimer. Please don’t think that I sit around and watch daytime talk shows all day. I just watch them *most* of the day, and I have never, ever eaten a bon-bon while doing so. (End of disclaimer). I actually have a valid reason for vegging in front of the TV this afternoon…blog research, of course! Both Oprah and The View featured “millionaire moms” and I couldn’t wait to share two inspiring stories with you. The first multi-millionaire that was featured on The View this morning was a single … Continue reading

Direct Sales – The Upside of the Ground Floor

Bill O’Reilly would be proud of me today because I am going to take a “fair and balanced” approach to one of my previous posts, “The Downside of the Ground Floor”. I was a Founding Leader for a popular direct sales company (I actually joined before the company officially launched). I also became a leader with another company that was four years old (and widely popular) when I joined. I certainly have experienced the pros and cons of being in both positions, I argued in my “downside” post that it is often more difficult to be a charter consultant for … Continue reading

Getting Local Writing Work

Have you wondered how to “break into” your local writing scene? Whether it’s working as a stringer for your local newspaper, writing a column for a weekly, or even getting work doing technical writing, web content or press releases–there is local work to be had, but like many things in life, it just may come down to who you know! As a freelance writer, I do some local writing and it is definitely work that has come to me with a lot of hustle and a fair amount of word-of-mouth. None of the print publication work pays very well, but … Continue reading

How to Get Your Husband on Board with Your Home-Based Dreams

My grandmother was a spit-fire. I’ll never forget her favorite saying. “When you want to do something make sure you ask your husband and if he says ‘no’, do it anyway”. While I appreciate my grandmother’s spunk, unfortunately the “do it anyway” approach simply doesn’t work with my type-A husband. I can still remember his response when I told him about my latest business venture. “What are you getting yourself into now, Traci”? Okay, so it wasn’t the reaction I was hoping for but I really didn’t blame him. I had tested out a few home-businesses before and had earned … Continue reading

Scams (Identifying email scams)

You will find a ton of information on avoiding scams all over the internet, yet people fall for them all the time. I wanted to share some tips that will help you identify a scam. In reality, a scam is usually pretty obvious. It looks like a great opportunity that you can’t believe you have actually come across something this great! However, there is always a little something that tugs at your conscious like paying for information, giving them money for a background check, or cashing a check and transferring funds. EMAIL JOB OFFERS SCENARIO 1: You get an email … Continue reading