It’s Time to Think About Work – Life Balance

As 2012 draws to a close, many home – based business owners are busy planning ahead for 2013. One of the items that is likely to be at the top of many home – based business owners’ lists of priorities for the coming year is improving their work – life balance. Time and time again, work – life balance proves to be elusive for many of us as we try to walk the line between succeeding in business and living a fulfilling life. Since each person’s ideal work – life balance is slightly different; it is difficult to propose a … Continue reading

Combining Working at Home With Homeschooling

Some parents choose to work from home so that they can homeschool their children. I did not initially know whether we would be homeschooling when I decided to open my home based businesses after the birth of our first son. It was always a possibility, and now that it is time for him to go to preschool, I have decided that that is what we will do, at least as far as preschool is concerned. Preschool in my local area is fairly expensive, and there are not a lot of choices. Since I am at home with our baby anyways, and … Continue reading

Are You Ready For Your Kids’ Winter Break?

With winter break just around the corner, home – based professional parents everywhere may be both excited about the opportunity to spend time with their children and anxious about whether they will be able to keep up with their workload while the kids are on break. Whether your kids are on break from day care, pre school, grade school, high school, or college, you probably want to spend more time with them than you normally have available during a typical work week. If at all possible, try to plan ahead so that you can lighten your workload during their vacation … Continue reading

Time Saving Tips to Keep You on Track

With the holidays fast approaching, things might be getting a little busy around your house. Some people are able to back off a little bit from their home based businesses during the holiday season and focus on holiday activities. People with seasonal home based businesses are likely to be putting in as much time and effort as they can right now. Either way, you are likely to be feeling a little bit crunched for time. Of course, there are only so many hours in a day. While we can not create additional hours, we can employ a few strategies to … Continue reading

Could You Do Things Ahead Of Time?

Today, as I was looking around online to see how other home – based professional parents manage to balance family, home, and business, I came across a very interesting tip on the Simple Mom blog. According to Mandi, who wrote the blog post, the secret to success for home – based professional parents is getting things done ahead of time. Of course, this advice had me scratching my head for a good few minutes while I let the idea sink in. Get things done ahead of time? As in having all of my blog posts written before the last day … Continue reading

Tips For Making Working At Home More Workable

Working from home can be very rewarding, but it is not without its challenges. From the temptations of couch and kitchen to friends and family who think that you are available at the drop of a hat, potential pitfalls abound. Don’t let the challenges of working from home drive you back to the office, though. Here are a few handy tips for making home – based work work for you. Setting a work schedule has worked very well for me. Not only does it keep me on track as far as providing enough time to get my work done, it … Continue reading

Flexible Schedules Work For Parents

In the world of traditional work, your shift begins at the time when you are scheduled to be at work. Unless you call in sick or find a co – worker to cover some or all of your shift, there is little room for flexibility. If something happens and your daily routine gets changed around a bit, you may have to work when you are rather tired if the change affected your sleep. Working from home can be much kinder and gentler in that regard because many times, you are able to decide when you work. This makes working from … Continue reading

Uh – Oh, Someone’s Tired!

You know you’re tired when your eyelids feel heavy even after drinking a cup of coffee. To compound matters, you work from home and you swear that your comfortable bed is calling to you from your bedroom. Sometimes, your work can be rearranged so that you spread today’s assignments out onto other days. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. You may be left with a few things that absolutely have to get done today. Here are a few tips on how you can get some work done while you are tired. I have already revealed a good first step to … Continue reading

Healthy Habits For Home Based Professionals

When you work from home, you have an opportunity to fit nutrition and exercise into your schedule more than you would if you worked outside of the home. Of course, on the flip side of that, your work area is probably within an easy walk of your kitchen. You know, that room where all of that tasty food is kept. If you love food as much as I do, you will have to exercise some will power in order to keep yourself from cooking and eating all day long. Here are a few tips for avoiding the temptation to indulge … Continue reading

Your Home Based Business Is Quick And Nimble

One great thing about owning and operating your own business is that you do not have to get anyone’s permission to make changes to the way that you do business. When you are in charge of everything about your business, you can adapt quickly when you sense that there may be a better way of doing things than the way that you are currently doing them. This adaptability can give your home – based business a competitive edge against other, larger businesses that are unable to change as quickly. One way that you can adapt is to add new products … Continue reading