The Power of Now

There is something that I need to talk to you about, something that may be standing in between you and your dreams. It is there right now, as you read this. The good news is that it does not have to be there. You can acknowledge that it is there and then choose to do something about it. What is it? Of course you want to know, don’t you? It is that idea that you have in your mind that tells you that you must have everything perfectly in place before you begin your home – based business. Yes, that … Continue reading

Not Your Ordinary Run-of-the Mill Job

I am sometimes amazed at the various opportunities there are to work from home. Take a conversation I had last week with a neighbor who lives two doors down from us. We have lived in our home for nearly 8 years now and although we are friendly with our neighbors, we haven’t had a chance to really get to know all of them. So I happened to be out front one day and another neighbor was outside. We ended up striking up a conversation about a cat that wanders around the neighborhood. That turned into a variety of other topics, … Continue reading

Is Working from Home Right for You?

How do you know if working from home is right for you? It’s important to know this before you take the plunge. First, consider if something you do as a hobby could be turned into a home business. There are so many ways this can be done. Maybe you can make a killer cheesecake. Or you know how to design some really cool jewelry. It could be that you are great at organizing. Virtually anything we enjoy as a hobby could potentially be turned into a business. Think outside the box. This may be the first step in deciding if … Continue reading

The Difference between a Job and a Career

Do you have a job or a career? You might think there isn’t a difference between the two but there really is. Figuring out where you are might help determine the next steps you need to take. A job is generally something you do temporarily. It may not have anything to do with what you are truly gifted at or what you would really like to do. You generally don’t expect to last long doing it. On the other hand, a career tends to move you toward your ultimate goal. It is something you plan on sticking with. Of course, … Continue reading

Is Working From Home For You?

Do you dream of working from home? Do you want to be able to stay home with your children and still contribute to your family’s income, or do you want to get rich quick? If your goal is to get rich quick, you better have a million dollar idea that no one else has already thought of, otherwise you are going to be quickly disappointed. When you decide to work from home you have to determine why you want to do this, why is it important, is it really feasible with your family and lifestyle and how much money do … Continue reading

What Do You Want To Do

Working from home is realistic for many people, however if you are looking to get rich quick you might be in for a surprise. No one is really making $1,000 a week stuffing envelopes, if they were, no one would work outside the home and we would have an excess of stuffed envelopes. There are many opportunities to work from home. Just do a Google search for work at home or home based business and you will find more information than you can possibly read. There’s a lot of garbage in there, companies that will help you replace your income, … Continue reading

The Uncertainties of a Home-Based Business

One of the downsides to a home-based business is the uncertainties of it. You never know what direction it will go. It is sometimes hard to gauge how successful or unsuccessful it will be. I am extremely grateful for the work I do. I have been working for over two years writing web content for a company based out of Florida. I am paid well and I get a good amount of work. At the same time, I always keep in the back of my mind that this could end at anytime. Anything could happen. The company could make cuts, … Continue reading

Business Profile: Sugar and Spice

I want to introduce you to Sugar & Spice. Sugar & Spice is a brand new business that sells all natural body scrubs, lip balm, organic soaps and homemade vanilla. What makes this business special is the focus and the vision of the owner. If you read Proverbs 31, you will see that the “virtuous woman” did many things to earn money from home. It is my desire to train my daughters to be stay-at-home moms that know how to help with the family finances! Not only that, but it’s a great way to train them to make, save and … Continue reading

Is A Home – Based Business Right For You?

If you are thinking about starting a home – based business, you may be wondering whether there is a way that you can know if starting that home – based business is the right thing for you to do. After all, you have heard that home – based businesses are not for everyone, so what exactly is it that makes some people suitable for home – based business and not others? Here are a few questions that you can ask yourself to get started on thinking about this important topic. Do you like to be in charge? Before you blurt … Continue reading

How to Set Goals for Your Home-Based Business

This is my last home business blog for the year 2011. So I don’t want to miss an opportunity to talk about the importance of setting goals for the year 2012. You may be at the start line. You are ready to get started, to get a home business off the ground. Or you may already be in the race, midpoint and wondering how much further you have to go. Perhaps you are the fortunate one who has already reached the end, experiencing nothing but victory in your accomplishments. No matter where you are in this, there are always things … Continue reading