Nobody Does It Like You

Whether you are thinking about starting a home – based business, just getting your home – based business off of the ground, or running an established home – based business, there is one very important thing that it is important to remind yourself of from time to time. That one thing is that your home – based business is just that. It is yours, and as such you are free to operate it in the unique and special way that only you can. The ways in which you express your individuality through your home – based business are often the … Continue reading

Feeling Out of Balance? It’s O.K.!

All home – based professionals have at least two roles, their role as an individual and their role as a home – based professional. Many home – based professionals also have the added roles of spouse or partner, parent, and household manager. All of these roles are important, and all of them require your time and attention throughout the day. It can be difficult to balance all of your different roles on any given day, especially when activities related to one of your roles demand more attention than usual. For example, your spouse or partner has a crisis, your child … Continue reading

Merry Christmas, Home Based Professionals

Merry Christmas, fellow home based professionals. I have the perfect gift to give all of you today. I am giving you the gift of the day off. Of course, if you do not celebrate Christmas or you are Santa you may not be able to take this day off. So, take tomorrow off. But for those home based professionals who have the Christmas goose cooking in the oven, stockings hung by the chimney with care, sugar plums dancing in their heads, and small children with begging eyes waiting to open gifts, take the day off. It is hard for a … Continue reading

Thankful…Even If I am Working the Day after Thanksgiving

Yes, it’s the day after Thanksgiving and I am working. I don’t get to stand in a long line, waiting for door buster savings at my favorite stores…no Black Friday shopping for me. I didn’t get to sleep in very late. In fact, this week doesn’t feel much different than most weeks. The only way I was able to “take off” yesterday for Thanksgiving was to plan my work so that I would end up spending some of my Saturday doing it. Now don’t get me wrong…I am not trying to get sympathy. Would I rather be enjoying the day … Continue reading

Expressing Thankfulness for Your Home Business

It was decided kind of last minute that I would be hosting Thanksgiving this year. Turns out, this is a good thing because it will force me to take a day off. When you work from home, it can be very easy to work right through the holidays. In order for me to take off however, I will need to revamp my schedule. I may have to work on Saturday instead. But that’s okay…I am recognizing the importance of putting aside my work when it’s necessary. But just as important, is unplugging myself from the computer (which is where I … Continue reading

Tired Part 2

Having a home business and a family can be a source of great joy and exhaustion. Some days you are high on the blessing of home, family and a stable business. Other days you feel overwhelmed and want to lock yourself in the bathroom and let Calgon take you away. So what do you do on those days? Know it will pass: When you are having a bad day it is easy to forget about the good days. Try to remember that you had bad days in the past and you got through them to see the good days. The … Continue reading


Some days are hard. Some weeks are exhausting. The other day I had to take one child to baseball, one to volleyball, get several articles done, answer fifty emails, update my company’s social media sites, update my company’s blog, clean my house, do the laundry, make dinner, chase after a little one, plan my homeschool year, get a new business plan together and stay in control. I then stayed up to 4 am getting as much done as possible. I had to be up by 8 am at the latest. I felt pretty good which surprised me. So, like a … Continue reading

Procrastination – Why We Do It

All of us are likely to procrastinate at some time or another. Sometimes there is a reason behind why we drag our feet, such as not liking the task that you keep putting off again and again. Sometimes, though, procrastination happens for no reason at all. You know that this is going on when you find yourself doing something instead of what you know you should be doing yet you cannot come up with any reason why. Today I caught myself tidying up the house instead of sitting down to work after putting my son to bed. Normally, I do … Continue reading

Danger of Losing the Vision for Your Business

“Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Proverbs 29:18 Allow me to take this verse a bit out of context for a moment as I believe it can have multiple applications. In the biblical sense it applies to a people without God’s Word will decay morally. However, the statement itself can apply on a micro level by giving us the wisdom in keeping the proper vision or you will spin out of control and lose sight of what you are called to do or where you or your business is headed. Having a vision for your business is essential … Continue reading

What It’s Like to Be a Woman with a Home-Based Business in Pakistan

In doing some research for something completely different, I ran across an article that I couldn’t stop reading. It’s an online news source for the country of Pakistan and the article was about women who work from home. According to this article, 65% of women who work in Pakistan do it from their home. However they have no protection from labor laws, no rights to minimum wage, and no Social Security benefits. They basically have nothing. Most of the work they do is piece work, which they make very little money doing and are sometimes at risk of being exposed … Continue reading