Green Home Tips

Did you know that a plastic shower curtain can be dangerous to your health? It can release dangerous levels of volatile organic compounds. If you want to protect your health and your environment, you’ll want to read the following green home tips. First, let me offer a reading recommendation for anyone who is interested in being more aware of healthy products. There is a magazine called Body & Soul that offers a lot of great information on this subject. Many of the tips I have for you today were inspired by some recent issues. Now let’s get back to that … Continue reading

How to Recycle Crayons

Did you know that when crayons are tossed out in the garbage, they can spend almost an eternity in a landfill? Who knew that such a little think could contribute to the trash on our planet? As a household with three young children, crayons are everywhere. There are the broken ones, the ones that are of unpopular colors and the ones that get replaced when a gift of a new box of well-dressed crayons appears. Ah, it is that new crayon smell that no one can resist. There are several ways that you can recycle crayons and keep them out … Continue reading

Easy Household Ways to Go Green

While new windows and electric cars are great ways to go green and take care of the environment, there are also a number of smaller but equally effective steps that you can take in your home to cut down on your impact to the environment. Eliminate the paperwork Paying your bills online and asking for electronic delivery of your bills and statements can reduce not only the paper itself, but the fuel consumption to deliver all of those bills, statements and checks. Eliminate the vampire electronics Many electronics consume power even when they are turned off or not being actively … Continue reading

Earth Hour 2009

When the lights go down in the city tomorrow night, it will be to mark the second worldwide Earth Hour. From Paris to New York, the world is banning together as a mark of solidarity to solve the problem of global climate change. Earth Hour 2009 will see lights out or dimmed in a record eight-four countries as plans to dim or completely turn off all non-essential lights between 8:30 and 9:30 p.m. on Saturday. The event will take place on a time zone to time zones basis, meaning that participants affect their lights whenever 8:30 p.m. hits in their … Continue reading

Guide to Recycling Electronics 3

In our household there are so many electronic devices that we rely on using to get through the day. But technology is always growing and changing, leaving many of our devices obsolete and in need of being upgraded or replaced. It is important to practice responsible recycling of electronics, for the health of our planet and even the health of ourselves. Let’s keep dangerous chemicals out of the mix with this guide to recycling electronics. Today, let’s talk about recycling cell phones and small electronic devices, such as MP3 players. Cell phones and small devices are some of the most … Continue reading

Guide to Recycling Electronics 2

Does your household contribute to the vast amount of e-waste (electronic waste) that has become a big issue for our environment? All of those cool devices and wonders of technology today will probably wind up in a landfill tomorrow, leaching out toxic chemicals such as arsenic and lead. One way to help the world is to recycle our home electronics in a responsible way. Today let’s talk about televisions. Most households have more than one television. And now that high definition televisions (HDTV) are available, families are eager to upgrade. At the same time, those new HDTVs will one day … Continue reading

Guide to Recycling Electronics

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, Americans toss out about 2 million tons of e-waste, that is electronic devices that are no longer useful. Computers and other electronics can actually provide hazards to the environment beyond just taking up space as trash. Electronic waste can leach all sorts of dangerous chemicals, such as arsenic, lead, mercury and other toxic elements. That is why it is so important to recycle electronics properly. Here is a guide for you to use. Let’s start with the biggest electronic impact to the environment, computers. More computers are tossed ever year over any other electronic … Continue reading

What is a Green Cleaning Party?

Green cleaning parties are becoming more and more popular as families are concerned with bring toxic chemicals into their home. More and more information is being released about how chemicals in common cleaners can affect everything from asthma to reproductive health. If you are familiar with frugal living, you may also be familiar with using homemade cleaners made from baking soda, vinegar and even olive oil. But what you may not know is that while these homemade cleaners save you money, they may also save your health. Using natural ingredients are the safest way to clean your home. Instead of … Continue reading

Making Your Garden Go Green

Although with snow on the ground and more expected, gardening should be the last thing on my mind, I am already planning ahead. The last frost will be here and gone eventually. With everything still dormant, it is a good time to start the planning for the garden season to come. Being more environmentally conscious and gardening go hand and hand. If you want to make your garden really go green this year, try taking advantage of the following tips. Start a compost pile that will nurture your plants with natural fertilizer and plenty of good food. As you clean … Continue reading

How Green was 2008: Analysts Versus Reality

Back in the beginning of 2008, or even at the end of 2007, analysts were predicting a banner year for going green in the home. Homeowners were said to be very conscious of reducing the energy footprints of their homes and avoiding using common chemicals that may be unhealthy. Even publications such as the Old Farmer’s Almanac got into the act with green predictions saying that there would be a rapid transition to green building. They quote the American Institute of architects that say that 90 percent of home owners would pay an extra $5,000 for an energy-efficient house. The … Continue reading