Beating Procrastination: The Once A Day Cleaner

In the past, I’ve written about my lack of motivation to clean, especially the scrubbing variety of cleaning. I just don’t like it. I’m sure that someone out there does like it, but I don’t know many of those people. Like many, I dislike the process of scrubbing: the procrastinating, the other procrastinating, collecting the equipment, moving everything out of the way, scrubbing, wiping, putting things back where they were. To be honest with myself, it really only takes ten to fifteen minutes to do each of these tasks. It’s just that the procrastinating bit takes longer. Much, much longer. … Continue reading

Does Your Housekeeping Stink? Be Proud!

I don’t keep house like my mother did. I most certainly don’t keep house like my grandmother did. Yet, when I walk into my house, I feel that it is a safe, clean, and functional space. Yes, the clothes may be shoved into drawers rather than ironed and folded. Yes, the sinks may sometimes be dirty. But overall, my house looks the way I would like it to look, and it looks like people live there. In the past few weeks, I’ve heard two interesting comments from mothers. One was from a woman I had just met. She mentioned that … Continue reading

Age Appropriate Chores in Different Eras

On my daughter’s bedroom wall, there is a list. I like to have a can-do attitude about things, so instead of having a list of the chores that she must do, there’s a list of things that she’s able to do. It includes items like “brush teeth and comb hair,” “pick out clothes,” and “make bed”. My daughter can also set the table for dinner, and apparently she can remove everything from her school bag and sort it, although this skill seems to be one we need to work on! While I like to think of my daughter as a … Continue reading

Are Tiny Holes Draining Your Energy Budget?

Eat your greens. Floss your teeth. Insulate your attic. While we weren’t energy-saving wizards, we thought that we’d covered most of the bases of healthy and energy-efficient living. But the energy bills kept on coming and the floors were cold. That’s when we realized that we were living in a sieve. It was a nice sieve. Bamboo floors, hemp curtains, walls painted in low-VOC off white. It was the blower door test that revealed the problem. Imagine this: a man comes to your door with something resembling a giant fan, installs it in said door, and seems to suck all … Continue reading

Taming the Clutter Creature

I’m a minimalist, not in the things I do, but in the things that I have. At least I try to be. So why is it that it takes me ages to put everything away when I get home? It doesn’t matter if I’m getting home from work or from a day out doing something else. I have a full scale clutter party in my house once I return home, and that seems to be life. Unfortunately, I am also a clutter-o-phobe. While I can live happily with a dirty sink in my bathroom, visual clutter makes me want to … Continue reading

Getting Ready for Spring Cleaning: What You’ll Need

Make your spring cleaning as painless as possible by being prepared. Here is what you will need to make your spring cleaning go smoothly. Attitude Having a positive outlook will go a long way to making spring cleaning something to look forward to rather than something to dread. Instead of focusing on the amount of work or the tedium of the job, instead concentrate on the results. Think about how good you will feel when the spring cleaning is completed. Visualize enjoying your favorite activities in your nice, clean and clutter free home. Build in some rewards to help reinforce … Continue reading

Stain Beaters

Don’t throw away that clothing or linen item! Instead beat the stain and get it out with the following tricks and tips. With any stain, it is important to try to attack it as soon as possible after it happens. Stains can set in, especially if they have been through the dryer. Red Wine Stain First apply some salt to the stain. The salt will absorb some of the color. Next, place the item over a bowl or a sink and pour boiling water over the stain. After that, ou can launder the item as usual. Dirt Dirt stains are … Continue reading

Veterans Can Get Home Help

I am so amazed by anyone who is willing to serve in the military to protect our freedoms, our country and all for which we we stand. That is why I am happy to talk about how soldiers and veterans in need can get help for their homes, whether they need repairs or a home away from home for their families while they get medical treatment. If you are a veteran who needs home help or know of one who does, then you will want to keep reading. There are a number of new programs out there that can provide … Continue reading

Spring Cleaning Checklist

Are you ready for spring cleaning? It is almost that time of year. Get a head start and make the process easier when you establish a spring cleaning checklist that works for you. Here is how to begin. The first thing you should do is to jot down a spring cleaning checklist by room. This will makes things easier on several levels. You can easily hand off a room to someone else, such as another member of your family or hired help. Having a room by room checklist will also ensure that the most important jobs get done and nothing … Continue reading

Time to Clean the Bookshelves

If you raise a cloud of dust every time you pull a book off of your bookshelves, or if the shelves are sagging under the weight of the books that are overstuffed and piled out of place, then it might be time for you to clean the bookshelves. I’m taking on this project myself at home, mostly because I want to eliminate at least one of our existing bookshelves in the name of more space and a less cluttered office. I also want to eliminate the dust that tends to hide behind both the books and the bookcases. Because we … Continue reading