Six Things You Should Check on Your Roof

If you want to have the best protection from the winter weather and a roof that will hold up and be safe, you should check the following six things. It could be the difference between being safe and warm in the winter and having a major problem with your roof. 1. The first thing you should do is to check the framing structure of your roof. Stand back and look to see if there are any parts of your roof that sag or parts that are uneven. Sagging could indicate a problem with the roof deck. 2. Next, get on … Continue reading

Wash Me, Please

There I was down in the basement, picking up our new playroom yet again. The kids were upstairs in the living room playing a new dance game on the Wii. They were having a lot of fun, judging from the giggling and the various stomps and booms I was hearing through the basement ceiling. I admit that I had an ulterior motive for being down in the playroom–to identify some items that could get passed on to other kids. Every once in a while, I would climb the basement stairs and ask the kids, “Hey, can we donate item x?” … Continue reading

Germs in the Laundry

Did you know that there were germs hiding in your laundry? These germs can make you and your family sick. Here is what to do about them. If you aren’t washing all of your laundry in hot water (and I certainly don’t), then you are not getting out all of the germs and bacteria that could be making your family ill. Laundry washed in cold or luck water only gets out about 80 percent of existing bacteria. Where is all of this bacteria coming from? There is bacteria living in dishcloths and kitchen towels, underwear and bath towels, among other … Continue reading

Our Love Affair with a Floor Steamer

Well, I’ve been wanting a floor steamer for a while, and we finally got one! We took the plunge. Would it be a household help or an extra chore? We purchased the unit from Target and were ready to go. Like any new toy in the house, my husband and I battled over who would get to try it first. I wanted the steamer for deep cleaning without using chemicals. My husband wanted it as a substitute for the everyday mopping we had been doing with the Swiffer Wet Mop. We are analytical people and were ready to converse on … Continue reading

How to Make Household Chores More Pleasant

Have you ever met anyone who really lived for cleaning? The kind of person that would give up, let’s say, going to the movies, in favor of cleaning the kitchen? Can you believe that these people actually exist? While I like a clean and organized home, I have to confess that there are many other things I would rather do than to do the household chores. But, they have to be done lest we live in dirty, messy houses. So, the trick here is to find ways to make the chores more pleasant, so they will seem to go by … Continue reading

Laundry Tricks to Use When You’re Sick

I’ve been sick for the last few weeks, and the laundry has really piled up. I’ve tried to keep up with emergency items (“Mom, where is my favorite green shirt?” and “Honey, did you happen to wash my black pants?”) but honestly, trying to get it all done when I get winded just sitting was a bit much. I’m still sick, but as we are definitely in a crisis mode with the laundry, I’m aiming for at least two loads of laundry a day, completely washed, dried (or hung), and folded when dry. Putting it all away is another story, … Continue reading

Quick Cleaning Tools

If you have the right tools for the job, your cleaning will go much easier. Just a few quick swipes and swirls, and your cleaning will be done in no time, leaving you free to enjoy your home! Here are some of the tools you should consider having in your cleaning arsenal. An apron with pockets will not only protect your clothes, but it will serve as a handy place to keep your cleaning supplies as you travel from room to room. Because you wear the apron, you are less likely to forget items, saving you time and energy. How … Continue reading

How to Kill Dust Mites

While we don’t often think about them, the fact is that there are thousands of little creatures living with us and maybe even on us. Ew. I am talking about dust mites, and if you have allergies or asthma, you know all too well how dust mites can affect your health or the health of your family. Dust mites can make allergies and respiratory illnesses get worse. It is important to eradicate them whenever you can. Dust mites can live in all sorts of places, from your bedding to beloved family toys. Of course, they can also live in the … Continue reading

Gutters and Winter Damage

It is important to make sure that your home’s gutters are in working order now before winter sets in. Winter can cause a lot of damage to your home if your gutters aren’t working properly. For example, an ice dam can form, allowing water to back up and get into your roofing shingles, under the tar paper and right into the plywood beneath. The next thing you know, your roof, fascia and soffit are all damaged. Your trim can rot unnoticed for many years. You can also wind up with insects and mold this way. Your home can also be … Continue reading

Cleaning Games for Kids

If you want to have the kids help with the cleaning, you’ll need to make it fun. Here are some ideas for cleaning or picking up games that will have your house back in order in no time. Pretend Play Engage the imaginations of young children all while getting them to pick up. Assign each child a character to play and a different territory. For example, your daughter could be Princess Soap, the ruler of Her Room, and your son could be King Pickup, who has domain over all of Boyland. Each ruler is responsible for the citizens (their toys … Continue reading