Create a Memory Quilt with Outgrown Kids Clothes

Just now, I was hanging up skirts in my daughter’s closet after ironing them. I looked in, and there it was: the most perfect little turquoise sweater. And it’s getting too small. Maybe it’s more intense when you have one child, but I’m sure that anyone who’s moved on from a child-raising stage gets a little weepy at having to pass on a particular beloved item of children’s clothing. This one child just happens to be my first and last. When she grows out of clothes, we tend to pass them on to the neighbours up the road who have … Continue reading

Capturing Enormous Quantities of Stuffies

We really, really, really don’t need any more stuffies in our house. I don’t know about you, but when my daughter was born I swore that I was not, most certainly not going to be one of those parents with a kid who had a room full of stuffed animals. Oh no, not me. My child was going to have just a few stuffed animals of the highest quality, hand sewn and hand picked. Oh yes, I was a stuffie snob. Now I stagger into her room where she has two cribs full of the things. They’re doll cribs, granted, … Continue reading

Allergy Free Kids Room

You can improve the indoor quality of your home and create an allergy free zone for your child. Your child’s bedroom is one of the most important rooms to tackle when it comes to a healthy environment. During that long stretch of sleep, your child may be breathing in irritants and allergy triggers.And just the act of laying down and being prone can make allergy and asthma symptoms worse. Here is how you can create and maintain an allergy free room for your child. Regular cleaning First, you’ll need a commitment to keeping it really clean, which is easier said … Continue reading

On a Kid’s Bedroom Tear

It is finally the time to get that fourth bedroom ready. We are on a real tear about it. Our home currently has four bedrooms and three kids. We always wanted the kids to each have a room of their own. At the moment, though, our youngest child doesn’t. He sleeps in a toddler bed that is in our bedroom. The fourth bedroom, the one that is destined for his room needs some work. There is a hole in the wall that has been repaired, but the rest of the room has far to go. Previously, it was being used … Continue reading

Easy Ideas for Painting Murals in Your Childrens Room part 2

You paint like a three year old and hiring a muralist is out of the question. Don’t let this stop you from creating an awesome custom room for your kids’ room. I recently introduced two fun and easy ideas for painting murals in your kids room, here are a couple more easy idea. Create Word Murals This wall mural idea is always unique as the words and sayings you choose will be your personal choice. You can order a custom stencil online with your favorite poem, encouraging words, or Chinese characters of your choice. There is no limit to your … Continue reading

Easy Ideas for Painting Murals in Your Childrens Room part 1

You paint like a three year old and hiring a muralist is out of the question. Don’t let this stop you from creating an awesome custom room for your kids’ room. Use these easy amateur mural painting ideas to make your kids’ room look like it was done by a master painter. Try Painting Super sized Flowers Paint a few oversized flowers in your daughters room to make it a masterpiece. You don’t need any experience to paint this easy floral theme. First, use a round saucer to make a circle on the wall, and then use an olive dish … Continue reading

Allowing Your Teen to Decorate Their Room

I have been putting this off for years, but I finally let my daughter decorate her room. I was afraid to give her the reigns earlier because her taste has always been a bit quirky and off center. Of course this has never changed, but I found an approach that would allow her to create a room she likes while not making me want to nail her door shut. What we finally did was allow her to make a design plan. This took many trips to the hardware store gather paint samples and cutting up squares and comparing different color … Continue reading

Perfect Time to Freshen Your Teen’s Room Decor

(cc) image by flickr member Posh Living LLC I love this time of year! The is the best time to decorate your teens, and your pre-teens bedrooms. What makes this time of year so special? All of the Back to school i.e. back to college gear is in the stores. For the past 6 months or so we have been looking to create a window seat area in my daughter’s room for reading and getting some sun. We didn’t want to do a built in window seat because young girls are so fickle and will want to re-organize the room … Continue reading

Kids Rooms: Your Child’s Dream Room

We talk about dream rooms, in the context of having the perfect room we’ve always dreamed of having. However, there is another twist on the “dream room.” Creating such a room begins with our children’s hopes and dreams for the future. Some children don’t yet have serious goals and may change their minds often, which is okay too. There is no need to pressure children to decide what their lives will be like in the future and kids should enjoy being kids. There are also children who just seem to know from early on what they want to be and … Continue reading

Cute Decorating Idea for the Nursery or Playroom

Your baby may not yet need much stimulation but if your baby isn’t a newborn any more and he or she is beginning to explore, you might be ready to add a few more interesting details to the nursery will stimulate your little one. On the other hand, you might just want to add a little something extra to the playroom. Here is a cute, simple way to do so: Add a Custom Growth Chart While there are many adorable growth charts available, it is quite simple to make your own. A really cute idea is to pick up craft … Continue reading