Solve Laundry Room Chaos!

Do you just want to scream when you go into your laundry room? Are there dirty clothes every where, empty detergent bottles, stuff on top of the washer and or dryer, and other chaos? Let us solve it all to leave you with a laundry room that is so pleasant and organized, you’ll want to give all of your friends private tours of it. The laundry room can so easily get out of control. It is the place where it is literally okay to dump things (dirty clothes) and run out of the room. No wonder it is so easy … Continue reading

Unclogging a Toilet on the Spot

Have you ever been in a situation where you are over at someone else’s house and the toilet gets clogged? There is nothing worse than that moment of panic when you realize that the bowl is about to overflow. Embarrassing, right? Sometimes you can look around and find a plunger under the sink or in a closet, but most of the time, you would have to ask for one. If this is something you want to avoid, or if you want to avoid having a costly bill from the plumber for a clog, try this trick to help you unclog … Continue reading

How to Iron a Shirt Like the Professionals Do!

Whether you are new to ironing or just want to improve on your shirt ironing technique, you can benefit from some professional ironing tips. First, set up your ironing board in a well-lit area. This is important. You want to be able to see your work, and proper lighting is essential, especially when you are ironing darker-colored shirts. Also make sure that the floor is clean and the are is free of other objects that might get in your way. If you have young children around, try to tie your ironing to when they are occupied, since a hot and … Continue reading

Common Stains and How to Remove Them

There is nothing worse than getting a stain that just won’t come out. Here is your first defense guide for some common stains. Keep it mind that stains come out easiest when they are fresh, and stains that have been run through the dryer are almost, but not always, impossible to get out completely. Blood Stains The trick that works for me every time is to first run the stain under cold water until the water runs clear. Then take a small amount of shampoo and rub it into the stain. You may have to scrub a little bit to … Continue reading

How to Hide Clothing Stains

It is inevitable, isn’t it? That one piece of clothing that you decided to invest in seems to be the one that attracts the stains, while the worn out old comfy outfit seems to stay pristine. At least, that is how it seems to be in my house. Recently, we spent a little bit more money than we wanted on a couple of back to school dresses for my daughter. We still got them at a discount, but it was no where near the savings we were used to enjoying. We were desperate to find modest dresses, and unfortunately I … Continue reading

A Guide to Buying a Chain Saw

Chains saws can be very useful things to buy or even share with neighbors or family. A chain saw can help make short work of cutting firewood, removing branches or even cutting down trees. We own a wooded property, so our chain saw has really earned its keep. One thing that you should know about chain saws is that the cutting blades will need to be sharpened frequently. How often depends on how you care for them (never place them in the dirt or cut through to the ground) and how much you use them. It is often helpful to … Continue reading

What Type of Firewood Can I Burn?

There is nothing cozier at this time of year than sitting before a warm fire. Beside the atmosphere, wood can provide heat as well that keeps you a little less reliant on other fuel during the winter. A wood fire can provide main heat, backup heat or zone heating in your home. But as anyone who has ever been a novice to using wood as a heat source knows, not all wood is great for burning. Why is all wood not equal? You may know that wood needs to season or dry out before it can be burned. The dryer … Continue reading

How to Get Rid of Stink Bugs

The stink bugs have just been invading our home. I am ready to either start passing out clothespins for our noses or invest in stock for air freshener. The annoying buzzing sound they make as they fly over our heads while we watch television is annoying. They seem to prefer the Disney Channel and get excited whenever there is a Halloween commercial. Our friendly neighborhood exterminator shakes his head sadly and reminds us that he said there would be a major invasion this year. One of my husband’s co-workers returned home one day to find a buzzing carpet on the … Continue reading

How to Clean Out Your Car

Isn’t it amazing how messy the car can get. The inside of your car can be a dirty little secret. I know that I am embarrassed more times than not about the state of my car. From errant Cherrios to empty drink cups, from printed directions to magazines, the stuff tends to pile up, doesn’t it? When it is time to clean it all, such as when you are going to carpool, here are some tips to help you clean out that car quickly and efficiently. The first thing you have to do is to get everything out and put … Continue reading

How to Set Up a Home Office

Whether you want to work from home or just catch up on all of the bills, having a home office can really boost your productivity. How many times do we find ourselves conducting business at the kitchen counter or dining room table? Here are some tips about setting up a real home office. Identify the space Maybe you already have a space in mind for your home office. But before you get started, you’ll want to examine the possibilities in your home and determine where the best place might be to set up a home office. Pick out two or … Continue reading