The Biggest Home Storage Mistakes

If you want to save yourself some big headaches when it comes time to organize, then avoid these common storage mistakes. You don’t want a big mess on your hands. Storage Containers When people are ready to organize then tend to run out and purchase lots of storage containers. A bette idea is to first figure out what you need to store and then plan out what types of containers you want to use to store all of your stuff. You may find that you can de-clutter enough items to require fewer containers than you thought, or you may have … Continue reading

Storing Linen in a Small Space

“The Leaning Tower of Bedding.” That is what I call the insides of our linen closet. Can you guess why? Back in our old home, we were blessed with tons of closet space. Each bedroom had one or more walk in closets, and there were additional closets in the upstairs hall, a walk in cedar closet and two very large linen closets. Those linen closets could hold our entire collection of sheets and towels for every member of our five-person family, plus extras for guests, pillows, comforter and blankets. And yea, I even stored my stockpile of health and beauty … Continue reading

Seasonal Storage

If you live in an area where you enjoy a mild climate year round or you have plenty of space to keep your seasonal gear out all year long, you probably don’t have any trouble moving from season to season. For those who have distinct seasons and less than optimum space, this is the time of year for removing heavier clothing, jackets, coats, blankets, and sports gear from storage and packing away summer stuff. As you’re doing laundry, sort clothes into piles. Put jeans and things that can be worn year round in one pile and separate shorts and other … Continue reading

Closet Shelving: It’s Time!

Can you find what you are looking for whenever you open the door to your dreaded closets? If your house is anything like mine, even the skeletons in there are cluttered, and it’s time to wake up, smell the coffee and be counted (or something like that). Read on for some tips, if you dare. Designing Your Closet Shelving This step should be done before you go out and buy supplies and will save you time and money if you do so. Like all journeys, closet shelving begins with a single step and in this case, it involves making a … Continue reading

Don’t Go In The Basement Clutter

Surely the horror movie made about twenty years ago with the same title cannot compete with the creeping menace that lives in the basements of the best of us. There it lurks, thinks bad things and worst of all, gathers dust. What is a person to do with all this stuff that is broken, has no purpose in life other than to irk us and seems to reproduce in the dark corners of the basement whenever we are asleep? Read on for some scary tips albeit, you aren’t the neatest person in the world. Fight With Your Basement Make your … Continue reading

More Kid’s Clutter Tips

Kids and their toys comprise a very specific form of clutter that must be reckoned with in very different ways than other clutter. After all, it’s educational, for the good of the child, necessary for growth and literacy, etc, etc. So how can that wealth of toys in that enormous box be better organized? Read on for some tips, if you dare. Toy Box Blues Buy an inexpensive plastic garbage can in the gaudiest color you can find. Get your own child to decorate it with his or her own stickers and help out with a stencil and the words … Continue reading

Kids’ Clutter: Any Hope At All?

The problem with kids is that they are not embarrassed by their clutter, neither when company comes and makes a disapproving face nor when you open the door to the room and get bombarded with falling and dangling “educational” things. But there is hope and a way for children to know and appreciate the importance of non-clutter and the power of organization. Here are a few tips for the kids’ room, that is, if you can find your way to the computer. Seasonal Storage Buy a plastic garbage can, replace the lid with a square or round piece of wood … Continue reading

More Closet Storage Tips

Closets are a wonderful invention and they fulfill the tertiary human need after food and shelter; namely, storage space. So many times, closet space is either wasted or not utilized to its fullest capacity. Here are some tips to help you along the cluttered path to optimum bedroom closet organization! Read on even if you are not sure where the closet is. Top Floor Storage The top of a wardrobe is the perfect spot for those items that you want to keep but don’t use very often. Painted boxes or decorated baskets can be placed out of the way and … Continue reading

Finding More Space

Wouldn’t it be great if you could add a few extra feet to your home here and there? Heck, even a few extra inches would make a difference in some cases. Well, you might be surprised by just how much unused space there really is in your home. Behind Doors You might find that there is a good deal of space behind bedroom doors. Even those that open into the room, as many do, can open quite wide while still allowing for some added storage. If you can find or build a shelf that is about as wide as the … Continue reading

How to Make More Space in Your Closet

While this may not seem like the kind of article you would expect just before a major holiday, it may prove quite helpful as you prepare to entertain company or houseguests. In fact, it may help you stay more organized all year ‘round. Making more space in any or all of your closets will allow you to stash more stuff behind closed doors and help you limit the clutter from view. You’ll also be able to keep things in one place, making your items easier to find when you need them. So, here we go. Try this great trick for … Continue reading