Kitchen Storage Secrets

One of the most complicated, yet frequently-used places in your home to store items is in the kitchen. The kitchen is literally filled with items that need to be organized, easily accessed and available on a daily basis (sometimes several times a day). Here are some secrets to help you organize your kitchen cabinets and drawers: First and foremost, if your kitchen is like many others, actually finding space to store items is one of the toughest challenges. It requires loading a lot of items into a very small space. To quickly and easily increase your storage capacity, the first … Continue reading

Laundry Room and Basement Storage

Many people store their laundry machines in their basements along with other storage items, such as winter clothes, summer clothes, hardware supplies, appliances and whatever else they might deem valuable, yet not usable on a daily basis. Here are some tips to help you organize your basement and laundry storage, no matter what kind of space you have to work with. 1. throw away all items that you have not used in the past 18 months. Ask no questions and do not even think twice. By throwing away unused items, you will free up innumerable space in your home. These … Continue reading

Organizing Your Creative Space

Naturally, your create space will have a tendency to get a little disorderly. When you want to work on a project, you do not really want to take the time to properly prepare or even to clean up after the job is done. You are creative – your talents should be better spent working on your project. What’s more: creative spaces naturally have a lot of color, mess and disorder. There should be no reason to clean up – after all, too much order can quickly and easily stifle any sort of creativity that you have in you. However, it … Continue reading

Bathroom Shelving

Bathrooms, by nature, are small spaces with generally very little storage and shelving space. Yet it is important to store items, such as personal products and toiletries, in the bathroom so that you can have them close at hand when you are getting ready to use them as you prepare for your day or get ready for bed. Because bathrooms are generally constructed with fixtures that cannot be moved around, as opposed to a living room, for example, it is often difficult to find ample room for shelving, especially in the places you need it. Here are some ideas to … Continue reading

Keeping that Kitchen Organized

When I purchased by home several months ago, the most difficult part for me was not having to figure out where to put the furniture or how to arrange the dining room. Those were things that I knew I could always change around and that other people would help me with if I went astray. The most difficult part of the whole moving in process for me was actually deciding what went where in the kitchen. Growing up in my mother’s house, everything had a place and it always seemed to make perfect sense how things were arranged. I always … Continue reading

Organizing a Child’s Room

My little girl is now five years old and really into the whole playing with the toys and not putting them away thing. Since she was about two years old, she has been running (or crawling) around the house on all fours, taking her toys and clothes with her and just leaving them everywhere. I found that it was very hard to keep up with her and actually keep her space clean enough so that she could continue to enjoy it while she grew. I consulted with some other moms about what they did to help organize their children’s space. … Continue reading

Moveable Shelving

When I moved into my new apartment, I knew that I wouldn’t be there very long, so I wanted to in invest in furniture that I could take with me when it was time to go. Thus, I began by looking around to see what other neighbors and friends were doing with their items. My long-tome best friend always moved every year. For some reason, she simply couldn’t sign a lease for longer than a year. The first thing she bought when she had enough money was break-away shelving from Ikea. The shelving comes in cubes and is really easy … Continue reading

Organizing Your Bathroom

Because of limited space and very functional use, organizing your bathroom can be a challenge – especially if you share your bathroom with roommates or partners. You need to keep things in mind like storage systems that will allow you to have access to your products when you need them, space considerations for the frequently used and less often used products and, if you have a roommate, shared space so that the two of you feel that the arrangement is equitable. Here are some tips to help you organize your bathroom. First, go through all of your existing drawers, closets, … Continue reading

Organizing Your Attic

When I moved out of my house, the part of the entire move that I most dreaded was the attic. I knew that I had too many things in there to sort. Most of it was either a family heirloom or a piece of junk and I didn’t wan tot have to sort through it all. I imagined dust balls, the smell of mothballs, dead bugs and so many things that I truly should have thrown away years ago. To so that I was dreading the task is very much an understatement. I was eager to have it over with … Continue reading

Organizing a Cluttered Bookshelf

Just about everyone owns and uses a bookshelf in their homes. Bookshelves, indeed serve multiple purposes. In addition to storing books, bookshelves are also commonly used to store clothes, multimedia, items such as candles and picture frames, games and household products. When organizing your bookshelf, you need to keep in mind that your items are stacked or leaning against one another, so they will be subject to falling if you cannot arrange them properly. In addition, it is entirely too easy to make your bookshelf appear cluttered. First, when organizing your bookshelf, keep in mind that symmetry and geometry are … Continue reading