Gardens Reveal so Much

It’s always good to branch out into other areas. That’s what I’m doing as I come to join you on the Home blog. Up till now, I’ve been writing for Marriage and Christian Family and I will still be doing that, but Michele thought I might like to contribute some ideas about home, so here I am. I’m planning on doing some articles about gardening. Gardening? I hear you say, as anyone who knows me knows me or has been reading my other blogs, know I don’t do gardening. But I do love gardens and do have a lot of … Continue reading

Clean Up Your Garden Now in the Fall

As the fall sets in, the last thing you probably want to do is to clean out your summer garden. There is a good reason to pay it some attention, though. Cleaning out the garden now will save you a lot of headache when it comes to next spring, plus you can take the opportunity to do some fall planting. Why should you clean up your garden? Those pests and diseases that you may have been fighting all summer are still around even in the fall. They can easily survive the winter and come back with a vengeance once the … Continue reading

Some Things to Consider When Landscaping

Landscaping clearly goes beyond typical yard work, creating visual “scapes” or scenes, but it also includes functional elements. While aesthetics are an important part of creating a design plan, remember that function is every bit as important if not more so. Retaining Wall Retaining walls are used to prevent standing water and to keep overabundant water from ruining the rest of the yard or garden. They also work to give some symmetry to yards that are not level. Often, a tiered design is used to stagger the space between low and high ground, instead of having hills and valleys. Tiered … Continue reading

Garden Tools and Their Care

Taking care of a garden requires hard work and the proper tools. They too need their special care if they are to continue to their best job for you and your garden. Here are some thoughts about how to treat them right. Read on, even if you are not an equal opportunity employer. Good Old Reliable Rust To avoid rust, store all small garden tools and the heads of your larger ones in a mixture of fine sand and old motor oil. Small tools will easily fit in a bucket while larger items may require a small tub. If rust … Continue reading

Cleaning Up The Garden Path

To be led along the garden path is an old expression, but it has new meaning when you are responsible for maintaining that path and the view from all points leading to it. Here are some tips so you won’t stray from the straight and narrow as well as the crooked and the wide. Read on if you dare. Unwanted Growth One way to kill the weeds growing between your patio stones and to get away without jail time is to replace them with plants. Plant some attractive ground cover seeds between the walkway stones. As they increase, they will … Continue reading

More Garden Clutter Tips

Maintaining a home and its surroundings is a full time job in and of itself. Like no other employment there are no fringe benefits; no vacation pay, salary raises or promotions. There is one bonus, however, and that is the end result of your diligent attention and care. Read on, even if you have never been “employee of the month.” Bagging Leaves Rake grass clippings and leaves onto old bed sheets or a tarp. Then fold the sheet over the leaves and drag it to your compost pile. Both your lawn and your back will thank you for it. Compost … Continue reading

How Does Your Garden Clutter?

Just when you think you have finished sorting out the clutter on the inside of your home, you dare to look out towards the yard and what do you see? No homeward angel there; only weeds, poison ivy and dandelions running amok and amid your grasses and shrubs. What to do, what to do? Don’t despair. Reinforcements are coming over the horizon even if it’s too clouded with lawn debris for you to see them. Hang on and read! Poison Ivy This unpleasant little plant with three green leaves and a red stem will not survive a solution mixed from … Continue reading

Start Making Plans for Your Garden

Now is as good a time as any to start planning your garden. Spring has a way of sneaking up on us, and before we know it, it will be dangerously close to planting deadlines in many areas. While you stay warm inside, start drawing up your plans and getting an idea of the things you’d like to see in your garden this year. If you do venture outside for any length of time, grab a measuring tape on the way out. Measure the area you plan to use and any other areas you hope to turn into planting beds … Continue reading

Even More Simple and Affordable Ways To Spruce Up Your Garden

In a previous blog I mentioned the Christmas card I received in the mail from one of my best friends, which features a photo of her three older children and her baby—her utterly gorgeous garden. Sure, she lives in Hawaii where she the climate allows her to toil in her soil year round, still it’s not just anyone who can write to Martha Stewart about a gardening dilemma and actually get a personal response from the domestic diva based on the pictures she sent and the information provided in her letter. Yes, my friend has quite the green thumb. It’s … Continue reading

More Simple and Affordable Ways To Spruce Up Your Garden

We’ve established that despite the bitterly cold temperatures wreaking havoc on most of the nation, there are still some lucky gardeners (the world over) who are busy cultivating their prized petunias. Most gardeners here in the United States are anxiously waiting a good spring thaw—-but let’s get through Christmas first. Until then, consider tucking away these simple and affordable tips for your garden. Make Your Own Compost This is my neighbor’s second job (I say that with a smile). She is a die-hard when it comes to turning household organic waste (vegetable peelings, grass cuttings, fallen leaves) into compost and … Continue reading