Advice for a Home Office

Having a separate place to go to play bills, organize papers and conduct business at home can really be helpful. If you happen to work at home, too, then a home office is essential. Go beyond a basic functioning space to one that feels warm and good to be in. A sweet home office will not only have you looking forward to using it, but will also increase your productivity, when you can find exactly what you need exactly when you need it. The first thing you should do when setting up a home office is to take how you … Continue reading

Having a Home Office with Kids

I’m a work at home mom. As a freelance writer and content manager, as well as a mom to three children, each day is a matter of balance and time management. My children need me, my clients need me, my community needs me, and of course the house needs me (well, in the sense that it needs my attention so we don’t wind up being featured in an episode of hoarders). Just yesterday, for example, my husband was out later, leaving me alone with the kids. Of course that doesn’t mean that my work schedule can change. So, while meeting … Continue reading

What About That Desk?

Do you have an office or study? What does the desk look like? A friend recently who visited our house took one look at my desk littered with papers and said, ‘I could never work like that.’ I’m sure she couldn’t. She’s a different nature to me. Some people need everything neat and ordered today before they can concentrate and be productive. Others of us can quite happily live with the clutter. I usually know exactly where to put my hands on what I need among the various piles of papers on desk and floor and if I don’t, I … Continue reading

How to Clean Your Keyboard

The home office is usually one of the places in your home that can get neglected when it comes to cleaning. Here are some tips on how to get it clean without too much effort. In your home it can get pretty obvious to everyone when the bathroom isn’t clean or when there are dishes piled up in the kitchen sink, but the home office is another story. Usually tucked away, we tend not to notice the dust piling up, or we don’t want to disturb the mountain of papers that are piled up. But we don’t have to live … Continue reading

Warm Weather Decorating: Your Home Office

With spring in full swing and summer quickly approaching, you may find yourself feeling a little cooped up in your home office. While we all want a tasteful, organized space to work in there is nothing wrong with adding light, color, and even some whimsy to the space in which we spend so much time. Light may be the most important aspect. Of course, lighting is essential, but I’m talking about light in another sense. Letting in the sunshine so you don’t feel so closed up in your office is important. Bringing the outdoors in is a familiar theme, not … Continue reading

Home Office Tips

The home office can be one of the busiest and most clutter areas of the house. Paper just tends to collect and multiply. But just what do you file and what do you toss? Here are some quick tips to help you in your home office. Invest in a shredder for your home office. Shredding documents that contain personal information is a must to protect against identity theft. Many people just throw away credit card offers, but those offers can be as candy to a theft who wants to use your credit. Tax returns need to be kept forever. Any … Continue reading

Do You Have an Office Supplies Closet?

Having an office supplies closet, pantry or set of shelves at home can help you stay organized and prevent all of that last minute running around. Back in our old home, we had a pantry down in our basement that was kept stocked with office supplies. There was everything in there from printer paper and ink cartridges, to reporter notebooks and expense ledgers, to extra boxes of crayons and craft supplies for the kids. Keeping that pantry well stocked really helped keep the household running. If my son needs something for school or I need something for work, we could … Continue reading

Good Time to Buy Supplies for the Home Office

Back to school sales are on and it’s the perfect time of year to re-stock your home office. You can pick up loose leaf paper, pens, pencils, pencil sharpeners, erasers, report folders, binders, glue, glue sticks, thumbtacks, staplers, staples, Sticky Tack, Post it notes, White Out, highlighters, tape, scissors, and many other supplies for your office, often at less than half the regular price. Aside from stocking your desk with these (and more) handy supplies, you can also find great organizers for your office at low prices. Instead of paying $14.99 for the “office” style magazine organizer, grab the “locker” … Continue reading

Artwork for the Home Office

Many home offices are little more than a nook or small space used for working from home to bring work home from a 9 to 5. Even those you have a separate room just for the home office tend to find that it collects unused pieces from around the rest of the home instead of being a designed space and having a personality of its own. Yet, even if you have a great home office, maybe it could use some artwork. So, what types of art work best in a home office? There are too many variables to count, but … Continue reading

Home Office: Rearrange and Reorganize

One of the most important spaces to keep organized is the home office. It’s not that the other spaces don’t count; it’s because the home office generally contains important papers including household financial information, even if your home office isn’t used for a home business. It helps to create a system for keeping papers filed appropriately and easy to find. While many simply file things alphabetically, you might find that another system works better for you. You might prefer to file bills and things by date and then also keep separate boxes, which you can stash in the closet, to … Continue reading