From Lawn to Soil

Oh yes, it’s time for a little bit of bragging here. My central and eastern friends might want to ignore this post, because it talks about that much-awaited season: spring! Yes, it’s turning into spring in the Pacific Northwest. It’s not quite here, and I’m sure that we’ll have a few more days of winter yet. However, right now there’s no snow on the ground, so this weekend I worked to set up a garden plot. I’m gardening in two yards around my neighborhood, where the neighbors have been kind enough to allow me to grow vegetables in their unused … Continue reading

Where to Put Your Kid’s Stuff

It’s almost back to school time here. To me, that means cleaning time! It’s time to find a place for objects that have been roaming free around the house and the garden all summer. If you’ve decided to keep an item but it doesn’t seem to have a home, here are some storage solutions for your children’s stuff. We love baskets. I particularly love baskets on shelves. Baskets are easy to find at garage sales. Choose a deep basket that doesn’t tip over and cause toys to fall out. If you get baskets that fit a shelf, you can have … Continue reading

How to Trim the Toys

For me, toys are one of the hardest things for me to deal with in my quest for a well-organized home. We seems to have a lot of toys for the kids, and they tend to get more and more of them. Then of course, they are hard for me to get rid of. The kids seem to want to keep all of them all of the time, even the ones that they don’t play with. Then of course, I have a hard time getting rid of toys, too, since I remember the fun times that we had with them. … Continue reading

How to Have a Family Game Night

Having a Family Game Night can not only be a lot of fun but a great way to bond with your family members and save money on entertainment. Here is how to put one together quickly and easily. Set a Date Whether you want to have a family game night once a week or once a month you have to set a date. Just thinking that you will vaguely get to it one night usually means that it will never happen. Put the date on the calendar and stick with it. Ignore the protests and tell everyone they have to … Continue reading

Prepare Your Home for a Playdate

With the holidays over and winter here, the kids may be getting a little anxious. Playdates are a great way to allow your kids and yourself a way to socialize when you are stuck indoors. If you are hosting a playdate at your home, here are some things to keep in mind. Preparing your home will make the playdate go smoothly. First pick the area for play. Decide where the kids can play and where they will be allowed to go. One large room that can be gated off for little ones is ideal. This way the parents can spend … Continue reading

A Children’s Play Space

One of the great things about modern homes is that they often factor in a space for children to play. Whether reminiscent of the old time nurseries, or of a more modern sociability, play spaces for children are a great idea for your home. What do I mean by a play space? Well, think of a playroom, where the room or the space is dedicated as a place for children to play in the home. Toys, creative craft items etc, are stored in this area, too. There are several ways to approach creating a play space. I have seen everything … Continue reading

Playing up the Playroom

Decorating your child’s playroom may be one of the most fun room makeovers you’ll ever do. Even if you go for a sophisticated look, you’ll obviously still want to add some whimsical touches, since it is after all a “play” room intended for good times. You don’t have to be particular and fussy when it comes to this space. You can be as daring as you like, because kids love funky, brightly colored, interesting objects. Furnishings and accessories don’t need to follow any rigid rules; they just need to come together to fashion an inviting place to play, create, and … Continue reading