Summer Savings: Energy

Running the air conditioning, fans, and more, during the summer also runs up energy bills. Aside from the cost, people are trying to be more conscious of energy usage and become better stewards of the environment. So, if there were some simple ways to save energy during the summer, would you try them? Check out these tips: First, examine the layout of the furniture in each room. Are any vents being blocked (even partially blocked)? Adjust the furniture if necessary. If your kitchen or dining table sits directly above a vent but can’t be moved anywhere else, use a small, … Continue reading

Have You Hosted a Summer Swap?

There are many occasions upon which families can host exchanges or “swaps.” During the holidays many people do cookie exchanges and often times, prom is a great opportunity to trade existing items such as gowns and accessories for “new to you” items. Back to school time is another favorite, when gently used jackets, coats, backpacks, clothing and sporting gear can be traded. But, summer is a great time to swap stuff too, from summer clothing to beach and backyard toys or camping gear. While many swaps or exchanges are hosted indoors, a summer swap is a great opportunity for an … Continue reading

Summertime Schedule

Looking at the title, you might ask, “What schedule?” Many families who have children home from school for summer vacation have no real household routine during the summer, at least not one comparable to that which they follow during the school year. I’ve asked some and observed others, some who seem to have no routine in place at all. In some families, the changes aren’t as drastic. Mom and/or Dad still get up and go to work each day, and the kids may leave the house and return around the same time they usually leave and return home from school. … Continue reading

Here Comes the Ice Cream Man…

Is this childhood ritual safe? You might be surprised to learn who is driving that ice cream truck… Sex offenders are drawn to this line of work, for obvious reasons. Our children have had the pleasure of hearing that familiar jingle and approaching the closest adult shouting, “Here comes the ice cream man!” But now, as if parents don’t have enough to worry about, it appears that this industry has become a “magnet” for child predators. “Can you think of a better kid magnet, if you were a sex offender?” asked Harmon Massey, Assistant States Attorney in Florida, as reported … Continue reading

Basic Emergency Supply Kit 3

Do you know what you need to have in your home to be prepared in the event of an emergency? If you want to help protect yourself and your family, having a basic emergency supply kit is essential. We have been talking about the various supplies that need to go into your kit. If you missed the first two articles in the series, click here to review them: Basic Emergency Supply Kit and Basic Emergency Supply Kit 2 Let’s continue with our supply list. Dust mask. A dusk mask will help filter out air that has been contaminated by dust, … Continue reading

Basic Emergency Supply Kit 2

This is the second article in the series about being prepared at home with a basic emergency supply kit. We talked about the government’s guidelines for water and food stockpiles, as well as how to store them, in preparation for an emergency. Now we will keep going with the other items that you should have at home to be prepared. Radios. Yes, that is plural. According to the U.S. government guidelines, each household should have two radios. The first should be a hand-cranked or battery operated radio, and the second should be a NOAA Weather Radio that includes a tone … Continue reading

Basic Emergency Supply Kit

Emergencies can vary from being inconvenient to being life threatening. While I hope that you will never find yourself in an emergency, having an emergency is always a possibility. The U.S. Government recommends that you become prepared by creating and having on hand a basic emergency kit. This kit will provide you with the essential needs that may become scarce in an emergency situation: fresh water, food, clean air and warmth. What should you include in your kit? Let’s go through the list. The most important item on the list is water. Without fresh water, it is nearly impossible to … Continue reading

The Art of the Letter

I’ve always been a big proponent of letter writing at home. There is nothing like getting a letter from a good friend in the mail, full of the happenings from someone far away. The anticipation of walking up the driveway to the mailbox is something special. Although it is now easier to keep in touch than it was back before the Internet, it is also harder, too. In a few minutes, I can send my thoughts across the miles to a good friend, and she can reply right back. But, something is lost there. In general, the missives are short … Continue reading

Reducing Your Trash 3

We are on a mission to reduce the amount of trash that exits our homes. With just a few changes in our lives, we can affect the amount of garbage that our families contribute to the landfills, and as a result, also save money. If you missed the earlier articles in this series, you can find them here: Reducing Your Trash and Reducing Your Trash 2. And now, here are some more ways to reduce your trash. Stay away from convenience foods, which have a lot of extra packaging. Pre-prepared food is generally less healthy for you than food that … Continue reading

Reducing Your Trash 2

Here are even more ideas to help you reduce the amount of trash that comes out of your home. You’ll save the environment, and you may even same some money, too. If you missed the earlier article on reducing your trash, called, aptly, Reducing Your Trash, click here. And now, let’s continue with tips for reducing your trash. Buy concentrated products that need to be diluted before use, such as cleaners, laundry detergents, frozen juice, fruit drinks and more. This will save on packaging, since you will be bringing less into your home. Reduce the amount of catalogues and junk … Continue reading