How Ideas Change

It’s interesting how ideas change. Years ago when Mick and I were first married and only had a doll’s house sized timber home, we used to look with something akin to envy at the big homes, while realizing we’d probably never afford anything like that. We were reminded of this recently while watching slides taken during our young days. In amongst the slides of scenery and us doing various things, usually on holidays, were several slides of houses. ‘What are these? And why on earth did we take photos of them?’ Eventually we realized they were what we then thought … Continue reading

New Home Starter Kit

Are you moving or know someone who is? Why not create a new home starter kit? It is easy, it is fun, and it could make a real difference in turning a new house into a home. The idea of a new home starter kit isn’t new, but I am surprised by how many people don’t think of it. I remember our move and how stressful it was. Having a new home starter kit would have made things a lot easier. Don’t worry if you are the one who is moving. You can put one together yourself, although obviously it … Continue reading

Analyzing a New Neighborhood

For qualified buyers, now is a great time to purchase a home. There are many homes available on the market, and the prices are good. There are still plenty of reputable mortgage companies that are offering mortgages for qualified buyers. Will all of the choices to make before buying a home, one of the most important ones is exactly where you will live. You want to make sure that once you move in to your new home, you will like the neighborhood. One of the best ways to be sure that you will fit in to your new neighborhood is … Continue reading

Things You May Need for Your New Home

Moving into a new home or just finding yourself in need of a few things around the house? Here is a list of items that you will probably need after you close on your home. Window treatments The law varies by state as to the state of the window treatments. Some states require them to be left with the house, other states require them to be left if they are mounted or custom (venetian blinds and shutters count, curtains do not). Then again, even if they are included, you may not agree with the style. Sun and Snow Two big … Continue reading

Four Questions to Ask Your Moving Company

When it comes time to make a move to a new home, one of the scariest things to do is to find a moving company that you can trust. Everyone has horror stories to share about bad situations they have been in with the movers that they selected. I have heard tales of movers damaging or losing belongings, or worse, outright stealing or holding items hostage until an inflated fee is paid. This makes it hard to feel secure about hiring movers. Each year there are, in fact, thousands of complaints filed against disreputable moving companies. How can you protect … Continue reading

Into the Woods: Our Diary of Buying, Flipping and Moving Into Our First House

I brazenly admit–I’m a city girl. I love the fact that I can run about ten different errands without getting into my car. I love that there’s always something going on. I love the cultural influences that my kids have had by living in a multi-ethnic neighborhood. I love that I get to use my Spanish and French on a regular basis. I love that we live where history happens. . .that everyone wants to know what’s happening here. I love that my children have enjoyed top notch art schools. I love that we live next to dozens of world … Continue reading

Tips for Moving Day

Well, it is finally approaching! It’s going to be moving day. If you are planning a move, you have got to be both excited and overwhelmed. We made a move last year, and I thought I would never get done with everything. And of course, there are things that I wish we would have done differently. With my mistakes in mind (and also the things that did work well), here are some tips for moving day. Designate one person to stay at home with the movers. If you are closing on a new house the same day and need to … Continue reading

Moving Checklist Continued

Congratulations on your move! We are counting down all of the thing you need to do before the big day. If you missed the earlier article, click here: Moving Checklist. We started out preparing at six weeks before the move, now we are down to the wire. Here is the rest of the list. 2 weeks before the move Clean out your pantry. Plan out using items from your pantry to make your meals for the next two weeks. Separate out any food items that you won’t be using and consider donating them to a food bank or giving them … Continue reading

Moving Checklist

Planning a move? Here is a checklist of what you need to do. 8 weeks before the move Set a date for a garage or estate sale, or make arrangements for a donation pick up. Contact your children’s new school to find out how to register. Ask the old school to begin the transfer process and make any paperwork requests. Contact your insurance companies to notify them of your move date and any changes if applicable. Start your move file with folders (either on your computer or in a file folder or binder. Include a to do list, and sections … Continue reading

Can You Flip a House?

Do you have what it takes to flip a house? I’ve always wanted to do it, and I think I can pull it off. One of these days I intend to do just that, but the circumstances haven’t been right so far. I found a perfect house at one time, or I should say the property itself was perfect except for being in the wrong location. Location is important and so is checking out comparable houses in the area to see what prices they’re going for. It also helps to make sure the local market isn’t flooded with similar houses, … Continue reading