Yes, You Should Call a Home Inspector

Yes, you do need to have a home inspection done on any house you are considering buying. No matter what well-meaning friends and family members tell you, an inspection performed by a professional, reputable home inspector is imperative. Too many home buyers have seen their hopes shattered, when they learn that the home of their dreams is unsafe or requires thousands of dollars worth of repairs to make it livable. Don’t let this happen to you. Hire a qualified inspector, and make sure you ask all the right questions. Consult with a Realtor if you think you have missed anything. … Continue reading

Building a Home? A Few Environmentally Friendly Tips

Okay, to be real honest, I’m not all caught up in man-made global warming hype, especially since I’m old enough to remember the “global cooling” hype from when I was in grade school. Still, there is something to be said for caring for our planet. We should not be reckless with the environment and I believe we have a duty to leave the Earth better than we found it for those who follow after us. When building a home, there are a few fairly simple measures that can be instituted to help protect the Earth. Choosing a building site is … Continue reading

Buying a House

When you begin looking for a new home, you might find youself a little overwhelmed. Not only are their lots of details that you may not be aware of (or may have forgotten if you purchased a home long ago) but the prices of homes may provide an overwhelming amount of “sticker shock.” If it’s been a while since you bought a home you may soon find that there’s a big difference in the value of homes today. That’s good news for you when you sell your existing home, but you may find that you can’t afford as much house … Continue reading

Is That A Chicken in Your Pocket?

If you buy an older home, think of all of the interesting things the previous owners might leave behind. When we first visited the house that we eventually bought and are now living in, we saw it decorated with lots of great antiques. The real estate agent told us that the furniture was all negotiable, and that really excited us. We put our requests in during our offer, and they were all removed in their counter offer. We were disappointed but still wanted to close the deal. They did offer to leave us some furniture and practical items in the … Continue reading

Hanging Clothes on Trees

What happens when you inherit a dryer from the 1930’s? Read on to find out how in one fell swoop I did my laundry and created some unique landscaping. Moving into our new home has been an adventure. From living without water for three days to finding enough dirt on the kitchen floor to fill the cat’s’ litter-box, we have been feeling somewhat like the cast of Lost if they had found themselves in a rural part of Pennsylvania. As soon as usable water was restored to the house, it was time to do laundry. The washer was a nice … Continue reading

Are You Ready to Buy a Home?

So, you’re thinking about buying a house. Congratulations. Buying a home can be a very exciting experience. The process can also be rather stressful, especially if you are unprepared. There are a few things you need to know and do in order to make the process simpler. Start by getting a copy of your credit report a few months before you actually start looking for a home. Make sure that everything on your credit report is correct and then check your credit score. If you’re looking at it for the first time, it may not mean much to you. All … Continue reading

Your New Home: A Few Decorating Tips

Moving into a new home is so exciting. You get a fresh start in making a house into the perfect, cozy home for you and your family. While there are too many positive things to about moving into a new home to list them all here, one minor drawback might be not having the money to buy all the new furnishings and accessories you’d like to have as you begin decorating. That’s okay. There are some tips you can use to fill in those empty spaces and help your new home look a little more lived in. Go Green First, … Continue reading

Starter Homes

Was your first home a starter home? Are you currently in or currently considering the purchase of a starter home? It’s a great idea for many couples or families just starting out. It gives you the benefit of having those monthly payments go toward something instead of throwing rent money out the window. That’s the first obvious benefit. Another benefit is the ability to fix up the place inside and out, just the way you want it. You might also find that a starter home makes a good investment in some cases. If you purchase a home that needs some … Continue reading