Flower Impressions

Finally, spring is on the horizon.  It has been a long winter and it doesn’t look like the cold will leave us soon but spring is coming.  As soon as the time is near, I get so excited I start to celebrate by getting out the craft supplies and making something fun.  Flowers are a classic symbol of spring so what better way to begin the spring flings then to create flower arts and crafts?  The project below is easy to implement and adjust for all grade levels. It is a great family activity or an activity for a homeschool … Continue reading

Fun Project: Colorful Mini Volcanos

This is a fun science project for kids from preschool on up.  While it may not hold the same science lesson for a child passed the third grade, it retains its value in entrainment.  So go ahead and let all the kids give this one a try.  Make sure you have your table covered since the reaction between the baking soda and vinegar can get out of hand.  Go slowly, unless you want to see a huge explosion.  My kids decided to make a huge reaction right at the end and it really was fun. Colorful Mini Volcanos Supplies Baking … Continue reading

7 Things to do for the Christmas Season in your Homeschool

Study the history of Christmas.  Engage your children with the history of Christmas such as a look into the background of Christmas carols, the history of the candy cane, history of Santa, the biblical story of Christ’s birth. Study Christmas celebrations around the world.  Start with the country of your family and move on from there depending on interest. Perhaps you could enjoy a traditional meal of a particular country? Practice giving.  There are so many ways to share the Christmas spirit with your children and those around you.  The best way is to demonstrate giving.  Donate toys to a children’s … Continue reading

Apple Orchard Time of Year

As the crisp air blows, orchards are growing ripe with apples. Living near apple orchards allows my family to create fall memories filled with hot apple cider, hayrides, and annual apple picking. It is something we enjoy throughout the fall season. Since we are so close to the apple orchard it provides opportunities for field trips for our homeschool and for the homeschool co-ops in the area. Orchards are a wonderful place to explore and learn. Ways to Learn at the Orchard Study the different types of apples. Sit under an apple tree and draw the scenery. Learn about cider … Continue reading

Go Big With Giant Painting Projects!

Whether you follow a curriculum in the summer or just take it easy, these art projects are sure to be a hit! So you love yourself a good wall mural, or perhaps your kids like finger painting. Those things are wonderful, but have you considered other great big painting options? Options that will make your kids go wild with glee? If you have a big batch of paper and some paint, try out some of these giant painting projects: Slide painting. This is simple. You have a slide. You have some tape. You have a kid or two or three. … Continue reading

Get Less Stuff

You know and I know that many of us have a lot of stuff. Even if we feel like we don’t have a lot, a quick search through the house will likely reveal a garbage bag full of items that we can donate, a few useless purchases, and many toys that don’t get played with nearly enough. We are also blessed to have many relatives who care for us. These relatives want to give my daughter Christmas gifts. While this is wonderful, I also realize that Christmas gifts of stuff are really not what our family needs. We are fortunate … Continue reading

On This Day in History – November 24 – 26

My kids and I enjoy looking at dates in history and seeing how we can apply those events to what we’re doing on a day-to-day basis. It’s fun to celebrate holidays both big and small, and to commemorate people who contributed in some way to who we are, but are often not remembered. I am starting a new series here on Families.com for anyone who would like to follow us throughout the year and mark those special (and sometimes downright weird) events. I will also share ideas for how to make those days special. I don’t imagine too many people … Continue reading

Fall has Arrived!

By my calendar it should be July not September. I was not ready for summer to end. Time goes by so fast the older you get. Nonetheless it is autumn again we have another chance to enjoy apple cider, falling leaves, and pumpkin patches. This fall plan a few field trips to your local pumpkin patch, orchard or farm for some fun with the kids. Here are some fall activities to welcome in the new season. Pressed Leaves: If the leaves in your area have not changed color then gather up some green ones now and some colored ones later … Continue reading

Fall and Winter Nature Exploration: What to Wear

If you are going out exploring with your homeschooled kids this fall, you’ll need to dress for the weather. That’s the only way the kids will stay happy for a long period of time. I’m a nature educator in the Pacific Northwest, and I’m experienced in rain, rain and rain. Did I mention rain? If you have a similar climate, hopefully you’ll find some use in the thoughts below! I wear wool on my head. That sounds like a confession, but really, it works. Wool does repel water to a degree, but after a few hours it gets waterlogged. If … Continue reading

National Handwriting Day

Today is National Handwriting Day. Established by Writing Instrument Manufacturers Association in 1977, this day is a chance revisit the lost art of writing with a pen on paper instead of typing on a keyboard. In today’s modern world of texting, Facebook, Twitter, and email many are straying from writing and leaning toward the cyber world of communication. Pen and paper manufacturers fear their industry will shrink as writing is becoming a thing of the past. In this spirit, National Handwriting Day was born so we could go back and revisit the intimacy and joy of handwritten notes, letters, and … Continue reading