Creative Gifts for Artistic Home Learners

I love creating kits for the holidays. A themed gift can be much more interesting and less expensive than other gifts because it all works together. If you or someone you know has a craft-oriented home learner, here are some gift ideas and some ways to work them into your home learning. Everyone loves clay. It’s natural and feels good on the hands. Buy natural clay and get rollers for it. These can be as simple as dowels from the hardware store. You can also give younger home learners the materials to make homemade clay, like baking soda and cornstarch. … Continue reading

Last minute gift ideas for homeschooling families

If you have a family on your Christmas list who are homeschoolers and don’t know what to purchase them, this list will help: Case of Printer Paper: Homeschoolers go through a great deal of printer paper as they research things online, and print them for future reference. A case of printer paper will go a long way in making their life easier. A case of paper can cost from $20.00 to $45.00. Case of notebooks: Homeschoolers use notebooks for journals, handwriting, and to study certain subjects. You can purchase one subject notebooks for $1.00 each. Box of art supplies: Go … Continue reading

Homeschooling in December

December is a difficult month for homeschooling. Home life is all but disrupted from Thanksgiving until January first with family dinners, outings and friends stopping by. So, it is nearly impossible to keep a homeschool routine and keep the lessons going. In past years, I have gone as far as to declare a winter vacation from homeschooling. In other years, my kids have declared a holiday and refused to look at a book until January. During those years, we just added the lost time at the end of the school year giving us a one month winter break and a … Continue reading