Homeschool News: Michigan may be in store for a change.

Laying down the law on homeschool truancy is Michigan State Rep. Woodrow Stanley’s new pet project. An odd soapbox since it is impossible to have truancy when the law does not require homeschoolers in Michigan to register. Michigan has long been known as one of the easiest states to homeschool from a legal standpoint.  Rep. Stanley seeks to trample on parental rights using the back door approach filed under “what is best for the child.” Rep. Stanley’s insight shines in his statement, “Kids must be in school in order to learn,”.  Is that so?  He continues to show off his wit … Continue reading

What if she wants to go to school?

It is assumed that a child who is not interested in homeschooling should be heard yet a child who is not interested in going to school should accept attending.  If it is a parents choice to send a child to school regardless of the child’s wishes then shouldn’t the parent also have the authority to make the same decision about homeschooling?  Seems logical to me.  Yet, I hear of parents not homeschooling because the child does not want to be homeschooled.  I hear of well meaning family and friends who tell a homeschool parent that perhaps the choice needs to … Continue reading

Why would parents torture their kid with homeschooling?

That was a question asked online by a young man who could not understand the choice to homeschool.  He went on to say that parents who homeschool are overprotective and selfish.  While he understood that high school was “viscous” it was no reason to keep your child at home.  Two young people responded supporting his statements and one was homeschooled for a short time.  Another response was this: I agree with you, being home-schooled will make kids become more dependent and less social. School better prepares kids for the real world, and shows the bright and bad sides of life. … Continue reading

Back to School Dance of Joy

As the new school year begins, moms of public and private school children are giving a collective sigh of relief. Or at least that is the impression left behind by moms on Facebook, Twitter, and even YouTube videos showing moms dancing for joy as their children head off to school. One video in particular made the news! The mom was even interviewed by Good Morning America. She said she was thrilled because she would now have plenty of “me” time. The hosts and hostesses of the show all laughed and related to the relief of the kids going back to … Continue reading

“I could never homeschool.”

I hear that all the time after I confirm that I am that woman with kids in tow at the grocery store on a Wednesday morning. I am either asked if there is a school holiday or if I homeschool. The most common response I get when people know I homeschool is “I could never homeschool.” The second most common response always includes something about being with kids all day or being happy to send kids off to school. Both responses used to shock me and now they either make me laugh a little. I know it is not possible … Continue reading

Mississippi Bill Threatens Homeschool Freedom

“your children and all other home-schooled children will be protected from unwarranted government intervention ….” ~ Representative Bob Evans, in a standard email to those who complained about the House Bill 464 House Bill 464 is one of the scariest bills to come down the pike to attack homeschooling in a long time. HB 464 stated that a parent who wanted to homeschool would have to gain permission from a judge. In addition, HB 464, would require school attendance officers to collect and maintain unspecified and unlimited information on all homeschooled children. The information would then be reported to a … Continue reading

Virtual Schooling is not Homeschooling

If we don’t maintain the distinction between homeschools and virtual charter schools, the regulations put on public virtual school students may be put on us. It is ironic, sad, and could be tragic, that we homeschoolers, who started out to maintain our right to educate our children according to our principles and beliefs and not those of the state, could end up under greater government control than families who send their children to conventional public schools. The government could only directly regulate their children while they were attending school, leaving their homes free from government regulation, but it could regulate … Continue reading

But I Don’t Fit the Homeschool Mold

As I look at various websites that feature information for homeschoolers, I notice the huge number of learning materials that are geared toward a Christian homeschool philosophy. I am a Christian, and I love having so many Christ-centered books and supplements available for me to purchase. I also know that a great many homeschool families are Christian, but this doesn’t mean that every homeschooler is. Homeschoolers come from all religious backgrounds. They come from all ethnic backgrounds. They come from all economic backgrounds. There isn’t a set formula that determines what makes a homeschooler – except for one, and that … Continue reading

The Freedom to Homeschool

At this time of year, of course we’re all thinking about the freedoms we enjoy in our country. We think about the brave men and women who, for countless generations, have fought to preserve those freedoms, some out on the battlefields and some here on the homefront, holding things together, organizing rallies, raising money. I can’t say enough to express my gratitude for the way these people have overcome their fears, their homesickness, their fatigue, and their worry about personal safety to help keep me and my family free. One freedom I particularly wish to talk about today is the … Continue reading

How to Handle the Naysayers

One question that pops up often from homeschooling moms is how to handle the naysayers. Some homeschoolers have experienced family members quizzing their children. Some are heartbroken by their family and friends criticizing their choice and questioning their ability to educate their children. Some are just tired of being interrogated about socialization, credentials or why their child is not in school as you stop at the grocery store at 11:00 am. Being questioned about a choice can be wearing and in extreme cases cause the homeschooler to question herself. What do you do? How to Handle Family and Friends First, … Continue reading