The Factor Tree

Kids love to do work on the computer. Somehow even the hardest subject digests easier if a keyboard and a mouse are involved. Parents also seem to love the convenience of having their student work online. No paper work, progress reports are automatic and normally there are no tears involved. One such online program is The Factor Tree. The Factor Tree is an online math supplemental program for children in grades Kindergarten through sixth grade. This online program is not intended to replace a math curriculum but enhance your current curriculum. Let’s be honest, if we need to supplement the … Continue reading

Math Tutor DVDs

Have you been introduced to Math Tutor DVDs? If not, you are in for a treat. Math Tutor DVDs are a great tool for homeschoolers and parents of school children alike. Offered in math from Pre-Alegbra through Calculus you can help give your child extra help or a jump start lesson for under $30.00! These DVDs can quite possibly replace a tutor which means no more costly hourly rates. This is one program you cannot afford NOT to have if you are not a math minded homeschooler or if you need some back up when teaching your child math. The … Continue reading

Sorting and Math with Food

Sorting is one of the foundational math skills that primary school students need to practice. Kids can sort buttons and beads and all sorts of goodies, but food is one of the items that is the most fun to sort, because it involves snacks as well! What can you make, sort and eat with your child? Join the ranks of those who fearlessly do math with food! Fruit is easy to find, and you likely have a lot of it on hand in different shapes and colors. This is also a good occasion to make a fruit salad. This is … Continue reading

Kinetic Books: Algebra 1

Format: Online Age: Any student ready for Algebra 1 Teacher Prep: Minimal Homeschool Method: Any Learning style: Works well with any learning style Quick Rating: Excellent Cost: $34.95 for singular user What is Kinetic Books? Kinetic Book is an interactive learning system composed on CD-Rom or through an internet connection. Unlike many internet products, Kinetic Books is comprehensive and complete replacing the textbook entirely. Benefits of Kinetic Books Algebra 1: Interactive format with instant feedback. Keeps track of student progress. Text shows the steps of each equation to ensure the student is working through the process. Correlates to national and … Continue reading

Teaching Math with Crayons

If you look through educational catalogs or websites you will see plenty of options for math manipulatives. I have purchased more than one set of counting bears over my years of homeschooling. In fact, counting bears are one of my favorite math manipulative simply because I find them adorable. If you look closely you will see that most or all math manipulatives have two common features. Those two features are: easily held by mini hands and colorful. That is all it takes to begin the learning process of basic math. The simple counting bears will allow a child to learn … Continue reading

Math…Now you are speaking my language.

Math is the subject where many have brain shutdown and go in a panic. However, math is also a very important subject and those accomplished in math can look forward to much success in school and career. Math is misunderstood by its complexity and therefore compartmentalized in math class. Yet we use math every day. Math is not simple numbers but a language. Once your child learns to speak math a higher understanding will evolve and math suddenly is not so intimidating. Think of it this way; if someone tried to explain street directions to you in half English and … Continue reading

Math on a Roll: Using Dice to Spice it Up

Math can be a very frustrating and exhausting subject for both the student and the teacher. So, let’s take a break from boring old textbooks and workbooks and have a bit of fun. Instead of abstract numbers in a book, let’s give them life and dimension by using manipulatives. Manipulatives come in many forms: counting bears, dice, dominoes, beans, legos, measuring cups, or whatever you use daily. A favorite manipulative and the focus of this article is dice. First, gather a variety of dice for your student to roll. Here are a few ways to incorporate dice based on age: … Continue reading

Free homeschool math resource: Khan Academy

I just found out about a new free online math curriculum called Khan Academy. Created by Salman Khan, this curriculum is in the form of You-Tube tutorials that covers maths subjects from singapore math (currently grade 3 with more to come) to Pre-algebra to Calculus, to Banking and money. There are also physics video tutorials as well. As it is a new site, some of the tutorials are in progress and not yet completed. More about Salman Khan: Salman Khan (Sal) founded the Khan Academy with the hope of using technology to foster new learning models. He is currently an … Continue reading

An Affordable Homeschool Math Curriculum: Life of Fred

I will start by saying that I haven’t used this new math curriculum… yet. I am certainly intrigued. First of all, math curriculum is very expensive. Saxon math, a very popular homeschool math curriculum is probably the cheapest at $40-$75.00. New CD based math is sure to cost more. Teaching Textbooks another popular and newer math curriculum for homeshoolers cost approximately $200.00 per year for the ginormous workbook and CD set. Math U see, another popular math set costs approximately $50.00 for lower grades, but when you get into upper grades, the price doubles. When it comes to choosing a … Continue reading

Math Resource Review: National Library of Virtual Manipulatives and

National Library of Virtual Manipulatives The National Library of Virtual Manipulatives is a National Science Foundation supported website that provides, as the name appropriately implies, online manipulatives. The site is a subscription site but you can download a free trial to see how it might work out for you. What I like about this site is that it has things for grades PK all the way through Grade 12. I often find that high school is missing from things for homeschoolers. . .but this site is extremely comprehensive and does it all. What I wouldn’t like is the fact that … Continue reading