Is This Just a Game to You?

I have four children, three of whom are boys. I have one son who is very studious and will sit and read a book for hours. You say, “School time,” and he’s right there with all his pencils sharpened and an expectant look on his face. Then I have one son who fights the entire process. He doesn’t understand why we even have to do school and he questions the need for each and every subject. What makes it the most difficult is that he’s the oldest boy, and his little brother idolizes him. I worry that his anti-school attitude … Continue reading

The Sometimes Schoolers

There is unschooling. There is e-learning. There are formal homeschooling methods that are based on other curricula or ideologies, such as classical homeschooling, Waldorf, and Montessori. In our city, there seems to be a new breed of homeschooler emerging, one that may transform the worlds of school-based education and home-based education. These educational renegades are not interested in school as it’s been done for years, that Monday to Friday, 8-something am to 3-something pm grind. Yet they’re not averse to having their children participate in a regular program of learning that is conducted by people outside the family. Let’s call … Continue reading


My daughter is unintimidated by math. Why should she be intimidated by it anyway? Math is just numbers, and numbers are everywhere. (Ok, yes, I know that there is a little more than that to math, but not in the primary years). The other day she was watching a video from the library and I was sitting there with her. The video turned out to be about a math contest, and the prevailing message of the entire 30-minute long segment was that math was something for brainy people, not for the general population. I don’t get it. We assume that … Continue reading

The Fine Art of Dabbling

This late winter and spring, we are dabbling. I am trying to embrace dabbling. As a child, I was a dabbler so severe that I drove my parents to distraction as I signed up for classes, then promptly decided that I wanted to do something else. They didn’t always let me switch, of course. As an adult, I’ve figured out that my dabbling has been good for me. Now it all forms a cohesive whole. Social justice volunteer work, gardening, environmental education all fuse together to form what is simply my life, and that works for me. In some ways, … Continue reading

A Warning for Hybrid Homeschoolers

Some time ago, I explained that the best label for our family in the homeschooling realm is hybrid homeschooling. Hybrid homeschoolers work in the middle ground between school and home. While the majority of us do not utilize public school resources, we do find other resources to help homeschool our kids. There will be co-op classes, tutors, and even programs that mimic school very closely, though it will very likely be for less than 5 days a week. I have noticed a large influx of hybrid homeschool programs in my area. The latest has fully loaded days, just like in … Continue reading

Biking from Alaska to Argentina: A Homeschooling Road Trip

If it wasn’t for a comment Nancy Sathre-Vogel left on one of my Pets articles I never would have known about the extraordinary undertaking she and her husband plan to make with their two boys and dog: a bicycle trip from Alaska to Argentina. (I for sure had to interview her about that!) Along the way she and her husband will be homeschooling their boys. I thought it would make an intriguing interview to post here. Courtney Mroch: On your website, you have a box encouraging teachers and homeschoolers to contact you for a “unique, dynamic way to help [their] … Continue reading

Hands Off Homeschooling

Is it still homeschooling if you are not involved in every minutia of your children’s learning? I like to think so. In fact, I would have never started homeschooling if I thought I had to be. I know myself well enough realize I would have had problems in the patience department. So when a veteran homeschooling friend told me that she spent most of her “homeschooling” time driving her kids to and from various lessons, I knew I could jump on board. From the time when my husband first came home and told me he wanted me to homeschool the … Continue reading

Mixed-up Methods

With all my talk about Charlotte Mason recently, readers are surely thinking, “Wow, she’s a confirmed Charlotte Mason-ite. Clearly, that’s her method. She sure loves Charlotte. Yessirree, no doubt about it. That Karen is a CM-er.” Well, yes. No. Maybe. Well, part of the time. But, then there’s our classical side. And our unschooling days. And sometimes, now and then, a workbook-y type of thing going on. And there you have our homeschool in a nutshell. I’m a pendulum, swinging back and forth between various methods and ideas. I try a bit of this, throw in a little of that. … Continue reading

Aligning Subjects for Efficient Homeschooling

Valorie Delp’s recent article about spurred one more post about aligning curriculum. In addition to aligning hobbies, scouts, or art to your curriculum, you can and should align one curriculum subject to another. If you are familiar with unit studies, you know that this is a subject or project based approach to homeschooling. Language arts, science, history, and sometimes math lessons are centered around one subject like butterflies, for instance. Aligning subjects is a close departure from this concept. This approach to homeschooling, is also reminiscent of the classical style of homeschooling. A classical homeschooler would most certainly study … Continue reading

A Day in the Life of a Relaxed Homeschooler

Many people want to know what a typical day is like for a homeschooler. I will start by saying there is no such thing as a typical day. We do have basic schedules, but we are always open to deviation. Regardless, I decided to give a peek into a day in our lives. Planning it out the night before (written last night) Today, I had the children homeschool for about 6 hours, to get 2 days worth of work done. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day. First, we have an appointment with a photographer to do headshots for … Continue reading