Homeschool Glossary (words homeschoolers should know) – K-L-M

Kinesthetic learner -A kinesthetic learner learns by doing, and while doing. A kinesthetic learner is in constant motion and can be labeled ADHD because it may look like they are not paying attention during instruction. Learning Methods (learning styles) – Everyone learns in a different way. Learning methods focus on the different ways people process information. My learning the way your child learns, you will be able to teach them in the most efficient and affective way for them. A child’s temperament and weaknesses are also evaluated when determining learning methods or styles. To learn more about learning methods, you … Continue reading

Homeschool Glossary (words homeschoolers should know) – P-R

PACE – (also called (Paces) is a curriculum type associated with the curriculum material published by the School of Tomorrow, also known as Accelerated Christian Education. The curriculum is broken down into bite size work texts (combination of workbook and textbooks), usually 12 per course per year. These smaller workbooks will give the child a sense of accomplishment as they complete each section while making it apparent how much work still has to be done. This will help the child to keep on track though many accelerate faster using this type of program. Part-time homeschooling – Part time homeschooling is … Continue reading

Homeschool Glossary (words homeschoolers should know) – H-I

Holistic approach: In medicine, holiatry refers to care of the entire patient. ( In homeschooling, a holistic approach is giving attention to the entire child. This means paying attention to the mind, body, and spirit of the child. Instead of academic “curriculum” that comes in instructional packages, the child learns through direct engagement with the environment. Holistic education nurtures a sense of wonder. The Montessori and Waldorf methods are types of the holistic approach to learning. Homeschooling: Simply put, homeschooling is educating at home instead of in private or government schools. While also written as ‘home schooling’ and ‘home education’, … Continue reading

Homeschool Glossary (words homeschoolers should know) – F-G

Flexible Learning is a lot like unschooling. Actually, it is like unschooling under the umbrella of a private school. Some flexible learning programs will provide a diploma; others will just allow the homschooler to take classes. Clonlara Home Based Program, for example is a functioning day schools that work as a flexible learning school. Clonlara does administrative work for the parents. All the parents need to do is journal the activities of the child and submit it. The school turns the journals into a documented diploma. There are dozens more flexible learning schools especially in states like California where restrictions … Continue reading

Homeschool Glossary (words homeschoolers should know) – D-E

Diagnostic Testing – To determine your child’s strengths and weaknesses, you will want to administer diagnostic testing. You can secure diagnostic tests from different curriculum providers, and online sources. You also have the option of having a question and answer session, with your child and other creative means to determining what your child knows, and needs to learn. Dual enrollment– When a high school student is also enrolled in college while also receiving credits high school from a single class or classes, they are dual enrolled. This program is often used by advanced high school students. Homeschoolers may also utilize … Continue reading

Homeschool Glossary (words homeschoolers should know) – C

Charlotte Mason Method– The Charlotte Mason Method of homeschooling is a books based approach to learning. Children learn to love reading good books and original sources of information. They also spend a lot of time in nature. Classical Education – (also called trivium-based education) is a history-based approach to education with three developmental phases. In the early or primary years, the children are taught facts. In the middle school years, children learn logic and reasoning. In the final high school period, children learn persuasion and abstraction. College admission: Once your child is in middle school, you will want to start … Continue reading

Homeschool Glossary (words homeschoolers should know) – B

Back to basics: A back to basics approach suggest teaching children in lower grades reading, writing, and arithmetic and factual knowledge only. It suggests leaving out lessons that mold and socialize children like sex Ed, tolerance, and other feel good topics found in schools. Benchmarks: Benchmarks are set by the state and governmental education departments and dictate standards for children’s’ knowledge base for each grade or age level. These standards are also set for the beginning middle and end of the school year. Benefits: Regardless of the reason, if you choose to homeschool you will be sure to discover numerous … Continue reading

Homeschool Glossary (words homeschoolers should know) – A

Acceleration: In the academic sense, acceleration means to move forward faster than other children of the same grade do. In homeschooling, children accelerate or move forward at their own rate, which may be faster or slower than other kids may from subject to subject. Accidental homeschoolers “is a term coined by Time4Learning (a homeschool curriculum provider) to describe large groups of homeschoolers who seem underrepresented in the public portrayal of homeschoolers.” These homeschoolers never planned to homeschool and rarely do it strictly for religious reasons. Accommodations are tools used to assist a child with learning. Special needs and handicapped children … Continue reading