What You Can Learn From a Dragonfly

The other day, my daughter studied dragonflies. Many kids would study dragonflies by taking a look at a book and learning about the coloration and flight habits of dragonflies. She studied dragonflies by taking a long, hard look at one. It was on its last legs, and she studied its colors very closely, debated whether or not she could hold it without injuring it, and watched it fly away. This reminds me of a debate I had with myself at age eighteen, when I was trying to decide whether to go to China on a Mandarin study tour. I was … Continue reading

Parent Participation

Last year I had the alternate pleasure and pain of being involved in a parent participation school. Pleasure because I loved to interact with the children and the parents and we had lovely, lovely teachers. Pain because I had to coordinate a large renovation of said preschool, and large renovations are never fun. We’re going to a parent participation school two mornings a week this school year. My daughter will be doing this part time when I work. Combined with an ample dose of homelearning and a nature co-op that we’re running, this will be our fall. I’m looking forward … Continue reading

Flexibility Does Not Equal Free For All

In conversation the other day, I mentioned to someone that one of the things I enjoy about homeschooling is the flexibility it provides us. We are free to take off when we want, I pointed out, allowing us to work around my husband’s schedule. Apparently, what makes perfect sense to me, raises concerns in others. This aspect of flexibility is of increasing concern for those who oppose homeschooling, or would like to see it more highly regulated. However, I believe that the ability to be flexible makes homeschooling better. After all, we’re talking about flexibility. . .not a free for … Continue reading

What Grade Is Your Child In?

This is a benign question that we’re often asked that frequently leads one or more of my children to mention that we’re homeschooling. What should you say? I know one lady who begins to prattle off what grade level each child is performing at in any given subject. I know another person whose child is working about two grade levels ahead and so despite her child only being 9, she says that her child is the 7th grade. I however, always answer with the grade my children would be in if they were in public school. If you’re tempted to … Continue reading

Yesterday Was My First Day of Homeschooling. . .

. . .all five of my children. For those of you who don’t know, I have a 3rd grader, a “sort of” 1st grader, and three preschoolers. Until recently, I had provided minimal instruction to the preschoolers mostly because I really feel strongly that they learn best through play. In fact I’ve written several articles on how I don’t do a specified curriculum with them and how I don’t believe in early childhood education (a formal one that is). However, my children don’t agree with me. Up until yesterday, I called the older children to the table and my oldest … Continue reading