Taking Advantage of Local Exhibits

I am envious of Valorie Delp, my homeschooling co-blogger here are families.com. She lives in a Major City that has lots of access to many museums and other cultural and educational venues. I do live near Atlanta though, and have some access, after a 30-minute drive. I got an email this morning that says I can get tickets to the Titanic Artifact Exhibition at the Civic Center for 50% off with a special code for homeschoolers. The email also gave me a link to lesson plans on the subject of the titanic. This means I can take a “day off” … Continue reading

Homeschooling Multi-Aged Children: Museum Memberships

Have you considered becoming a member of your local children’s museum? We just did this weekend and wow: what a deal! That is why this installment of tips on home schooling multi-aged children is dedicated to museum memberships! Most home schooling families take regular (or at least semi-regular) field trips. You take your children places and expose them to things that you think they should know, that coincide with their curriculum or even educational things you just think they’ll enjoy. The next time you take your kids to a museum, consider these benefits that are common to many museums, zoos … Continue reading