One of those days….

It didn’t even start like any other day.  Most days do not begin with the check engine light alerting you to some emission problem in your car.  Most days do not begin with freezing temperatures, a snow covered car, and a missing snow brush.  No, this was a day much unlike other days.  Which is encouraging for tomorrow morning. Stuck in today, I had no choice but to deal with how the day would unfold.  It was one of those days when school would be more about what not to do than your ABCs.  I am ashamed to admit it … Continue reading

Homeschool Mom Devotion: Taming the Tongue

Homeschooling can challenge you in different areas of your life.  One challenge for many is taming the tongue.  Cranky children, clogged toilets, curriculum failure can spike your stress levels.  When you are stressed you have more of a tendency to allow your flesh to control your tongue.  Taming the tongue is my most difficult challenge and I am far from victory.  Yet, as homeschooling moms we are a constant influence on our children.  They see how we react in all situations and sometimes our reactions are not ones that shine.  I think we all have been there.  When you feel … Continue reading

Can Your Homeschool Blog Earn Money? {Part 3}

In, Can Your Homeschool Blog Earn Money?, Part 1 and Part 2, I discussed the background information you need before starting a blog that has the potential of earning you a profit.  If you missed those two posts, please take time to read them as blogs without a proper foundation do not earn profits. Not all profits can strictly financial but we all want to know now to earn cold hard cash.  There is no easy answer but there are avenues you can take to drive your blog to the bank. Here are some of the most popular ways to … Continue reading

Smylebii: Something to make you Smyle

I love the ingenuity and entrepreneurial spirit that some homeschoolers display. One homeschool business that I am excited to see flourish is Smylebii. Smylebii is the creative effort of four homeschool girls who have learned to find joy in all situations. They want to spread that joy through their business. Smylebiis are figurines, charms, and keychains, that are sure to make you smile. They will custom make a one of a kind Smylebii just for you! Who are the Smyles behind Smylebiis? We are four home schooled daughters of an Evangelist/Missionary to North America. We love to make people smile … Continue reading

Homeschool Picture Day

My oldest child is attending high school this year. She came home excited that picture day was coming up this week. She and her friend are buying hair accessories that match so show some personality in their uniforms and for the fun of being BFFs. She was also happy to report she gets an opportunity to get pictures taken in an outfit of her choice. Picking an outfit to forever immortalize your freshman year in high school is apparently a big task. So it seems is everything for this girl who hadn’t stepped inside a classroom until she was 14 … Continue reading

Homeschooling During Trials

Every family experiences trials from time to time. Trials come in varying sizes and shapes with varying consequences and outcomes. During these times it is understandable that a family becomes concentrated and even distracted by such times. It can make communication between family members difficult. Trials are tough enough but when homeschooling is added into the mix it can make a hard situation harder. Homeschooling is a joy until it isn’t. During difficult times it can become a source of concern, stress and even a burden. Mustering up the energy to teach English and grace math becomes near impossible during … Continue reading

Literature You Can Wear

What is Out of Print? Bursting. Yes, bursting. I am bursting to tell you about Out of Print. I love literature so much that I built my homeschool around it. I was so excited to find Out of Print that I just may use it for school uniforms. Out of Print carries tees, totes, fleeces and other fun items such as phone cases, notebooks, journals and coasters. There is even talk of eBook covers! I could just jump out of my seat. It is a literature lover’s dream come true. I have all these tees picked out for me and … Continue reading

Where’s the Teacher’s Lounge?

Being a mom and a homeschooler can be a tricky balance at times. Each role has a full day. One problem? We live one day at a time, not two. However, through careful planning, a bit of letting go, and a sense of humor, you manage. Yet, despite best efforts, there are days that boil down to crazy. The washing machine breaks, the dog gets in the garbage, you have finger paint on the carpet, your kids are arguing, you have a kid crying over math, and you have company coming in a few hours. Can Calgon take it away? … Continue reading

Balancing Multiple Ages

Homeschooling moms of multiple children face a unique challenge. These homeschooling moms need to manage multiple ages and stages of children under one homeschooling roof. Basically, she needs to learn the art of juggling. As a mom of four children ages 14, 12, 6, and 3, I have had my share of juggling routines. You need to avoid your home becoming a source of stress or having your children fall behind in their studies. Here are some tips to managing different ages under one homeschool roof. Set up a classroom in your home with each child having her own desk … Continue reading

Teaching Charity

I am a person who is deeply interested in the welfare of others. In that vein, I try to contribute to the welfare of others whenever possible. I volunteer for different causes that interest me. I make an effort to contribute to my community. I try to be kind, and I encourage my child to do the same. Since my daughter started having birthday parties at age four, she’s always donated to a particular cause for her birthday. Once, this was the local hospital for children. Twice, it’s been animal rescue organizations. This year she decided to raise money for … Continue reading