Balancing Multiple Ages

Homeschooling moms of multiple children face a unique challenge. These homeschooling moms need to manage multiple ages and stages of children under one homeschooling roof. Basically, she needs to learn the art of juggling. As a mom of four children ages 14, 12, 6, and 3, I have had my share of juggling routines. You need to avoid your home becoming a source of stress or having your children fall behind in their studies. Here are some tips to managing different ages under one homeschool roof. Set up a classroom in your home with each child having her own desk … Continue reading

Balancing Multiple Ages

Homeschooling moms of multiple children face a unique challenge. These homeschooling moms need to manage multiple ages and stages of children under one homeschooling roof. Basically, she needs to learn the art of juggling. As a mom of four children ages 14, 12, 6, and 3, I have had my share of juggling routines. You need to avoid your home becoming a source of stress or having your children fall behind in their studies. Here are some tips to managing different ages under one homeschool roof. *Set up a classroom in your home with each child having her own desk … Continue reading

Balancing Mulitple Ages in Your Homeschool

Homeschooling moms of multiple children face a unique challenge. These homeschooling moms need to manage multiple ages and stages of children under one homeschooling roof. Basically, she needs to learn the art of a one room schoolhouse or a juggling act. Each option comes with its own challenges yet each can be successful. A mom must decide for herself how she will balance her day and her children’s education. There is no right way but oddly enough there are plenty of wrong ways. For example, if your home is a source of stress or children falling behind in their studies … Continue reading

Pushing Younger Kids Beyond Their Comfort Zone

When I first started home schooling my last three girls, two were in third grade and one was just starting preschool. It was a challenge wondering how I would present the lessons when there was such an obvious age gap between the older girls and the youngest. Being able to home school our kids allows us a lot of freedom though. Kids don’t have to be pushed ahead when they aren’t ready or held back when they are. What I did was to offer the same exact assignment for all of my girls, always at the age level of the … Continue reading

Two Tips for Teaching Multiple Ages: Same Topic, Different Assignments

Someone again, has asked me to talk more about how to manage different ages of children. Before I talk about differentiating types of assignments, I have to say that I think the real struggle in wrapping our brains around teaching multiple ages is our “traditional school centered” mind set. In school, you have children all in the same grade. What’s interesting is that those children are not all at the same level–even if they are the same age. Teachers often group students, pull them out, and otherwise differentiate instruction for kids in their grade. I also have to offer some … Continue reading