It’s Geocaching Time Again

I know, I know, you can go geocaching all year long.  I have to admit I am a fair weather geocaching kind of gal.  Last year was our first experience with geocaching and I quickly added it to our routine nature walks.  It added an extra layer of learning and adventure that especially appealed to my son who was beyond the age of sitting on a large rock and drawing the trees.  However, my little girls love the adventure also.  I was especially surprised how my 8 year old enjoyed learning navigation.  Since, I get lost going around the block, … Continue reading

Ultimate Daily Planner for Students

Yesterday, I introduced you to the Ultimate Homeschool Planner.  It is one of my favorite planners because it addresses all my needs for my homeschool including preparing spiritually.  Today, I have another introduction. Coming alongside the Ultimate Homeschool Planner is the Ultimate Daily Planner for Students.for $19.00.  The planner is intended for middle school students but can accommodate younger or older students if necessary.  However, if you have an older student you may want to incorporate The Ultimate Weekly Planner for Teens.  The Ultimate Daily Planner for Students is a first step into independent planning and time management. Features: sturdy … Continue reading

Ultimate Homeschool Planner

Is the Ultimate Homeschool Planner really the ultimate? Count your blessings while charting your family’s homeschool journey with this gorgeous day planner from best-selling author Debra Bell. The Ultimate Homeschool Planner will help you prayerfully prioritize your family’s lessons, assignments, and activities as well as academic and personal growth goals for each of your children. Includes teaching helps, record-keeping, and pages to document God’s faithfulness throughout the year. The Ultimate Homeschool Planner ~$28.00 I collect planners like Pooh collects pots of honey.  Like Pooh, the inside is normally empty.   You see, I know how to use a planner but … Continue reading

Modeling Biblical Courage

God places virtue as more valuable than wealth.  Worldly wealth is temporary and does not please God.  A virtuous life is one that pleases the Lord and lives eternally.  Virtue is not to be defined by the world but defined by moral excellence rooted in the Word of God.  A virtuous heart makes wise decisions, even during times of adversity, based on the Lord’s leading. Courage is demanded if one allows virtue to manifest in our Christian walk. The most effective way to teach courage is by displaying courage. Daughters who are still learning to use the Word of God … Continue reading

Are you qualified to teach?

  Homeschoolers are under scrutiny.  Outsiders feel it is their duty to make sure homeschooled children are learning the three “R’s”.  If you doubt that then take your child out during school hours or simply mention homeschooling and sit back and wait for the quizzing to begin.  If they don’t quiz your kids they may quiz you.  Many question if those without education degrees can teach.  The short answer is yes.  Yes, you can teach your children without a teaching degree.  Teaching degrees are not magic.  I respect teachers and the effort it takes to become degreed and dedicate your life … Continue reading

Time Again for the Homeschool Portfolio

  What is a Homeschool Portfolio? A homeschool portfolio is a window into your child’s homeschool experience, achievements, and academic progress, throughout the school year. There are more then on way to keep a portfolio but I will list the core items you will need. However, always check your state laws, homeschool co-ops, and with the evaluator, on what materials are required. The Basic Supplies 3 ring binder {3 inches or more thick} dividers page protectors Sharpies computer paper to print out basic forms samples of your child’s work photos {optional} Forms to Provide Attendance Form: List of Curriculum and … Continue reading

The Ultimate Homemaking eBook Bundle

  For 6 days only, more than 75 widely-known bloggers and authors in the homemaking sphere have joined together to offer 97 of their most popular eBooks and eCourses, valued at just over $600, for the incredibly low price of $29.97! More than anything, the goal for this sale was for it to be, well… ultimate! We firmly believe that you will not find a more comprehensive collection of homemaking resources anywhere on the web, and particularly not in this price range. For this low price, you gain access to every single one of these resources, so that you can customize your own collection to contain … Continue reading

New App to Save Memories

What is Saving Memories Forever? Saving Memories Forever is a way to preserve memories of family for a lifetime using technology.  It’s time to toss the time capsule and get out the smartphone. The system has two parts: A smartphone app and a website.  Subscribers use the smartphone app to record the stories and use the website to manage the stories. The recording is easy, mobile, and fun. Using the app, the recorded stories are easy to upload.  Subscribers then manage their stories on the website, adding tag words for easy story searching the extras such as photos, recipes, and … Continue reading

Homeschool Mom Devotion: Permission to Rest

Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep. ~Psalm 127:1, 2 My heavy eyes and aching body longed for a soft bed but determination forced my mind to keep going.  The end of the school season meant the beginning of school planning season.  With a pile of books and highlighters as my late night companions, I began … Continue reading

Rewarding Great Teachers

Parents, educators and community leaders have been expressing concern for many years about the high rate of attrition among experienced, high quality teachers from America’s public schools. A recent Rand Corporation study further raises concern, noting that teachers with higher measured ability were more likely to leave their teaching positions. As the less-experienced, less-able teachers remain in the classroom the educational system experiences a significant negative impact. The question of how to retain experienced high-performing teachers in the nation’s classrooms has been occupying professionals and lay leaders for decades. Suggestions include introducing teacher mentoring programs, creating better teacher training programs, … Continue reading