The Sunday Evening Review: Dec. 8th and Some More

Wow–add another blogger to the home schooling section of and what do you get? A whole bunch of great blogs to read!! While our newest blogger, Andrea Hermitt officially started last week, a few of her blogs were post dated and not covered in last week’s Sunday Evening Review. I didn’t want you to miss anything, so here are the post dated blogs as well as blogs for this past week! First of all, if you haven’t read Andrea’s Introduction, make a point to check it out! As any of us who home school know, frequently the first question … Continue reading

The Sunday Evening Review: Dec. 3

Welcome to this week’s review of our blogs. It’s the beginning of December, the beginning of the shopping season, and beginning of a new era here at the Homeschool Blog at!! That’s right, we’re welcoming a brand new blogger here. You can read her introduction in, New Homeschool Blogger Introduction. I personally am very excited to have a homeschool blogging “buddy” and I am greatly looking forward to all that she has to offer. Look for more of her blogs coming out soon! This week’s state was New Jersey. I must say if you live in New Jersey you … Continue reading

The Sunday Evening Review: November 26

While I’m sure that many of us took days off of our home schooling schedule to cook and eat. . .and cook and eat some more–I definitely did not take days off in the home schooling blog! In the interest of celebrating Thanksgiving, I skipped my normal topics and blogged on activities you could do with your child to incorporate the Thanksgiving theme into your home school. If you missed them you can always print them out and use them next year! Check out: 25 Books About Thanksgiving, 15 Writing Prompts for Thanksgiving, and 7 Thanksgiving Math Activities. Continuing with … Continue reading

The Sunday Evening Review: November 18th

I’ve decided to rename our ‘Week in Review’ in the homeschooling blog. I always review the weeks on Sunday evenings and well, I just like the name better. So although it’s the same blog where you can look up the week’s worth of homeschooling blogs, it has a new name! We are steadily working on our list of things that your child should know. I want to make mention again that these lists are compiled from a few “expert lists”, including (but not limited to) the World Book Typical Course of Study. This week we covered What Your First Grader … Continue reading

The Week in Review: November 11

I know this is a day late. I cannot explain why for if I list all of the things that broke in our household that would be my whole blog. In any case, this is the week in review. Have you ever heard someone talk about how their child knew such and such at a much earlier age than you’re child did? Then they start to imply that perhaps the home schooling thing isn’t working out so well. That’s exactly what we talked about earlier in the week in, The Fallacy of Comparing Children. Do you teach your children foreign … Continue reading

The Week in Review: November 4

It seems like the weeks go by so fast! I can hardly believe that we are just a few weeks away from Thanksgiving. (Thank goodness I’m not cooking!) We all know what comes after Thanksgiving though–Christmas preparations! In any case, ‘tis the season to fall behind in homeschooling! This was a light week for the homeschooling blog largely because the season to catch up with homeschooling is now, before the holidays hit! Regardless, we still had a great week and as always I welcome your comments and suggestions. We finished the series of what your kindergartner should know by talking … Continue reading

The Week In Review: October 28, 2006

Here we are again at the end of another week. I am sitting here, reviewing our week glowing with pride. Not because I wrote great articles, or because my children did something great but because I remembered to set the clocks back! So to all of you who are equally absent minded–go set your clocks back an hour and then come back and see what we did this week! When your homeschooling statue law says that you are required to teach a comparable curriculum to “that of the public schools.” Do you know what that means? Well, you likely know … Continue reading

The Week In Review: Oct. 21, 2006

Are you looking for a compiled list of links and ideas as well as measurable objectives and standards that help you to know if you’re teaching the right things at the right time? I am starting a series, “What Your _________ Should Know”. This week we focused on preschoolers academic skills, every day skills like time of day and positions, as well as motor and social skills. Keep looking for more blogs going all the way through 12th grade! I am also continuing to work my way through the homeschooling laws and statues of every state! This week we focused … Continue reading

The Week in Review: Oct. 8 – Oct. 14

While I’ve taken a few days off this week, exciting things are happening here at the homeschool blog! If you’ve missed any this week, here is our week in review! We began our week discussing the reading part of our homeschooling days. This is a new series where we’ll discuss teaching tips and tricks that are especially effective. We’re also discussing these in our homeschooling forum. If you’re from North Carolina, you’re in luck! We focused our review of state laws this week on the State of North Carolina in Homeschooling in North Carolina. If you’re not from North Carolina, … Continue reading