Books for Kids Who Love to Take Care of Animals

Right now, the room behind me is full of the sounds of chirping. There are the chicks, the little ones whom we’ve been incubating for three weeks. Over the last couple of days they have been hatching, and it’s been wonderful. My daughter loves to take care of animals, although I do need to manage the overall care of all of our pets. We also enjoy books about kids who love animals. If your child also wants to be a vet or a wildlife rescue person, here are a few books that you might like to read. The Salamander Room … Continue reading

The Very Hungry Caterpilar Unit Study

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle is a much loved book by little ones and parents alike. In fact, it was my son’s favorite book when he was little. This book is beautifully illustrated and teaches lessons that you can apply to your little student’s homeschool curriculum. If you intend on teaching from a literature based approach or simply want to add in book studies or unit studies to keep your child interested, here is a way to incorporate use this book for those purposes. A great choice for a number focus for this book is seven based on … Continue reading

Putting the Grammar back in Literature

Your kid loves to read books. You have managed to get regular book reports out of them. Now what? Use those book reports to teach them to apply grammar to their writing. So often, grammar and literature are treated as two separate entities. Children read good books, and write halfway decent reports. Then separately, they learn grammar rules. Here is how I have decided to start applying grammar to my children’s reading programs. Step 1, Get them to read: Like I mentioned before, first get them to read. You can make up an incentive program like the Accellerated Reading program … Continue reading