Are You a Purger or a Hoarder?

When it comes to your home, are you a purger or a hoarder? What about the other family members, what are they? It can make things interesting when some members of a family are purgers and others are hoarders. But first, let me clarify exactly what we are talking about here. A purger is someone who clears clutter and doesn’t keep things they don’t believe will be used. They tend to throw a lot of things out. Hoarders on the other hand, keep things they don’t need or believe they might need in the future. Either one of these can … Continue reading

My Dog Is Ruining My Carpet

My little dog is having potty issues. She is basically driving me out of my mind. I’ve tried everything, I kennel her any time I’m not home and at night while I’m sleeping. Somehow she still finds time to pee on the floor. I’ve been spending a lot of time lately spot cleaning the carpet and steam cleaning it and I’m learning more and more. The most important thing is to try to clean up accidents as soon as they occur. This isn’t always possible but once the urine soaks through to the pad it’s really hard to get rid … Continue reading

I Love To Weed, I May Need Professional Help

Sometimes people write blogs that inspire you to think about things. Recently Stephanie Romero wrote about Chores That Relax You. I could relate with the fact that she doesn’t find painting relaxing. I don’t either. I get all excited to paint but by the time I’m finished wrestling with all that blue paint, I’m done. It drives me crazy and no matter how careful I am I get paint on the ceiling, trim and carpet. Not relaxing at all. For me, it’s weeding. Although you couldn’t tell it by the state of my flower beds right now, weeding relaxes me. … Continue reading

Clearing Clutter and Making A Few Bucks

I have been gathering stuff to have a yard sale. The problem is, it’s not quite enough stuff to make it worth the effort. The pile in my garage is growing, I need to do something about it. I also need to re carpet the living room because the dog has used it as her potty. I planned on having the yard sale to pay for the carpet. Instead, I decided to post all the stuff online through a local news station. This really is a convenient way to get rid of things that are cluttering up your house. I … Continue reading

We Never Make Our Beds

After reading fellow blogger Carol Paxman’s “Make It Easier and It Will Get Done,” I couldn’t help but chuckle. She shared that she wanted to work on a habit, making her bed. I don’t know if this will shock her and others but no one in my house has ever made their bed…I’m not kidding. I hadn’t thought about it much until I read her blog. I had to ask myself, where did that bad habit of not making my bed come from? I realized it began when my husband and I were first married. He oftentimes worked second shift, … Continue reading

Getting Ready for Barbeque Season

I’m thoroughly enjoying this warm weather. Most evenings will find me on the back patio, reading or working in the yard until the sun goes does. Since I’ve been spending so much time out there I can’t help but notice how bad my outdoor furniture looks. I’m having a barbeque for to celebrate summer so it’s time to get the yard furniture in shape. Some furniture is easier to clean than others and since I’m a yard sale junkie my furniture is an eclectic mix of everything. The plastic furniture is the easiest to clean. Usually all I need to … Continue reading

Keeping Your Car Safe and Clean

I just bought a new car and I’m a little obsessed with how to keep it clean. When I got rid of my old car I found that I have a hoarding problem, as clean as I thought my car was, there was a lot of stuff in there. I’m working on making some organizers to corral all that stuff but I’ve also come up with some rules to help keep it clean. No eating allowed in the car. I know it’s convenient to grab something and eat it on the way, especially when you are running late. The problem … Continue reading

Chores That Relax You

Do you find certain chores and household tasks to be relaxing? I hadn’t thought about that very much until I got together with some friends this week. I was telling one of them that since our 15-year-old daughter was at camp for the week, we were repainting her bedroom. Thankfully she has gotten out of the dark colors stage and picked out a bright, cheery light purple. My friend made the comment that she loved painting because it relaxed her. Painting, relaxing? I couldn’t relate. I really dislike that household task. I find it time-consuming and boring. I could think … Continue reading

Oh No, Mom’s Coming For a Visit!

My mom is coming to visit in two weeks because my sister is getting married. Why does the thought of your mother visiting turn you into an insecure teenager again. I guess you are never too old to want your mother to be proud of you. That means I will spend the next two weeks cleaning and cleaning and cleaning. Not that she cares, my mother could care less if my house is clean, but I care. The carpets have taken a beating so I’ll have to steam clean everything. The spare bedroom will need to be cleaned and it … Continue reading

Is Your Car Really Clean?

I just bought a new car. My old car was seven years old and had 90,000 miles on it. It was slowly falling apart. I had hoped to keep it for ten years but that wasn’t to be. My car is usually clean, I don’t have trash in there so I think it’s clean. When I cleaned it out so I could trade it in I found out I’m a car hoarder. In my nice clean car I found: A dog leash A dog water bottle Doggie potty bags A bone A flashlight The owners manual An old cell phone … Continue reading