Perfectionism Is Keeping Me From Getting Things Done

As a perfectionist I often overwhelm myself. My good intentions always lead to half finished chores and messes I walk away from because I overwhelm myself. I have such high expectations, after all if a job is worth doing it’s worth doing right. That statement right there is my downfall. A typical project will go something like this: Today is a perfect day to clean the garage! I’ll go out in to the garage and start going through boxes and bags and shelves, bagging up stuff that can be donated, tossing things that are broken or missing pieces and then … Continue reading

Cleaning the Dishwasher

I do a pretty good job keeping up with my schedule in which I deep clean the appliances in my kitchen. Most of us tend to think about the stove and refrigerator. But if you have a dishwasher, this should be added to your list of deep cleaning every three or six months. Think about it this way. It’s an appliance used every day. It cleans dirty dishes. Still not getting the picture? That’s probably because you assume since it is an appliance that cleans, it doesn’t require cleaning. Not true. You might compare it to your teeth. You can … Continue reading

Save Money through Repurposing

Everyone is looking to save money these days. We tend to not be so quick to throw something out because you just never know when it might come in handy. Well let me introduce you to the idea of repurposing, which is similar to recycling. The difference is that you are extending the life of something and finding a new way to use it. This sometimes requires making some changes to the item, such as cleaning or painting it. Other times you are using it in its original form, however, in a brand new way. Think of it this way. … Continue reading

Do’s and Don’ts of Bleach

With so many natural products out there, I’m sure the idea of using bleach is not appealing to everyone. But for those who clean “old school,” such as myself…it is something you can’t imagine being without. However, there are some important dos and don’ts when it comes to using bleach. Although it can be great for disinfecting, removing stains and whitening clothes, you have to be careful about how you use. For instance, although it can help remove mold and mildew, you don’t ever want to mix it with ammonia. Nor do you want it to be anywhere close to … Continue reading

Creating Storage Space

Do you lack storage space in your home? If you live in a smaller house or one that doesn’t have a lot of closets, you may be struggling to find a place for everything. In the area of the city I live in, most of the homes are bungalows. Many of them have smaller rooms and few closets. Sometimes you just have to get creative when it comes to creating storage space. One idea that my husband and I talked about for years (and never did) was to build a base for our mattresses. Instead of our beds being on … Continue reading

What’s In Your Environment

Have you heard that Johnson & Johnson will be cleaning up their personal care products by 2015? Up until recently no one seemed to give much thought to what was in their products. We bought whatever was on sale to clean with and we all have our favorite lotions and potions. Did you ever think about what was in all that stuff you surround yourself with? There has been a push to “go green” and I try to be green but sometimes I fall down on the job. It’s easier to get the scent I want out of a product … Continue reading

Organizing Your Closets

Some areas of the home are easier to ignore when it comes to a mess. Take for instance closets. You know the old saying, “Out of sight, out of mind.” I recently decided to tackle the most disorganized and messy closet in my home, the linen closet. Here are the steps I took which I plan to do with my other closets. First, empty the entire closet. It is better to start with a clean slate. Otherwise you end up just moving things around. I made it a rule for myself that as I emptied things out, I wouldn’t decide … Continue reading

Deep Cleaning Your Home

There is a big difference between cleaning and “deep” cleaning. While regular cleaning can cut down on how often you need to deep clean and make the work easier, it is still necessary every-so-often. Deep cleaning means getting into areas you don’t normally touch. It is those unseen, oftentimes overlooked areas of the home. How often you need to deep clean will depend not only on your maintenance of that area but what it is used for. Some rooms or areas of the home may need a deep cleaning every few weeks. But some can wait a few months. It … Continue reading

Many Uses of a Dryer Sheet

When it comes to cleaning and taking care of a home, a wide variety of tools can be helpful. But some of those household tools can be expensive, especially if they need constant replacing. I love when a household item can be used for more than one purpose. It stretches your pocketbook and may even improve cleaning. Take for instance a fabric softener sheet (aka dryer sheet). There are so many ways you can use these. For instance you can dust with one. Now I am a big fan of those microfiber cloths because they are washable and can trap … Continue reading

When A Bargain Is Not A Bargain

I love getting a bargain. My house is mostly decorated in early yard sale, late thrift store. I’m seldom opposed to buying or receiving something used. I like the character that comes with an older table or dresser. Chairs that are a different style and can be painted to fit in with my eclectic decorating style are always a favorite. As are little odds and ends that you can’t find anywhere else. No matter how much I love a bargain there are some things I will not buy used, it’s not worth the risk. When it comes to children’s safety, … Continue reading