You Might Want to Cancel Your Progressive Insurance Policy

What company does your car insurance policy come from? If it comes from Progressive Insurance, you might want to consider changing companies. Progressive treated the family of a woman who died in a car accident, (through no fault of her own), without compassion. Matt Fisher’s story will break your heart. This could happen to you. Matt Fisher is the brother of a woman named Katie. He wrote a blog that described the ordeal that Progressive Insurance put his family through after Katie was killed in an automobile accident. The fault was with the other driver, who ran a red light … Continue reading

Just One Ticket Can Raise Your Car Insurance Premiums

Make sure you follow the rules of the road this Summer! It seems that just one ticket could be enough for your auto insurance company to decide to raise the rate of your premiums. Be careful out there! No one wants to be pulled over and issued a ticket by a police officer. This situation is always stressful. It can also be expensive! You could end up having to pay the full cost of the ticket. That one ticket could also, at least in some cases, cause your auto insurance company to raise the cost of your premiums. A traffic … Continue reading

California has Low Cost Automobile Insurance Program

Most states require drivers to have auto insurance coverage. Not everyone can afford to pay for it, though, and this means that there are quite a few uninsured drivers out there. California has a Low Cost Automobile Insurance Program. Other states could decide to adopt this program, eventually. California is one of the states that requires drivers to buy auto insurance coverage. Unfortunately, not every driver is going to be able to afford to purchase it, and the result is that there are a lot of uninsured drivers in California. The state imposes fines on drivers who cannot show proof … Continue reading

Sync Might Save You Money on Car Insurance

Everyone wants to save money on their auto insurance premiums. There is a new way that you might be able to do that, but, it is extremely specific. You have to drive a Ford that has the Ford Sync system installed in it. You also have to connect it with the Drive Safe & Save Program from State Farm. State Farm started offering their customers a new way to save some money on their car insurance premiums. The Drive Safe & Save Program began in 2011. At that time, it was only being offered in a few states. Now, it … Continue reading

Color of Car Doesn’t Affect Insurance Rate

What color is your car? Many people think that the answer to this question matters to their auto insurance companies. It is a commonly held belief that people who drive cars that are white, or beige, or a neutral color, pay less on their car insurance premiums than people who drive red cars. This is simply not true. There are many people who say that you shouldn’t purchase a car that is red because it will cause your auto insurance company to raise the rate of your premiums. This is, quite possibly, the biggest myth about car insurance. It goes … Continue reading

Drivers of Electric Cars Pay Less for Auto Insurance

Looking for a way to pay less money on your car insurance premiums? You might want to consider getting an electric vehicle when you get ready to buy a new car. There are many reasons why auto insurance companies have started to look favorably upon drivers of electric cars. Electric cars are becoming a little bit more popular every year. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety created a list of the safest electric cars for 2011. That was the first time that electric cars had been tested by an insurance group. They tested sixty-six different electric vehicles. Forty were makes … Continue reading

Can You Insure a Self-Driving Car?

It is common knowledge that it will be easier, and less expensive, to get auto insurance coverage for a minivan that it will be on a flashy, fast, sports car. What about self-driving cars? Google has created an autonomous car. How will auto insurance companies handle the coverage for this specialized type of vehicle? No one wants to have to pay a lot for auto insurance. Most states require drivers to buy car insurance, which means that you cannot simply decide not to pay for this particular expense. Drivers of minivans often pay less for auto insurance than do drivers … Continue reading

Michigan No Longer Requires Motorcycle Riders to Wear Helmets

The state of Michigan has changed its law regarding motorcycle helmets. From now on, helmets are no longer required by law. This change is making many motorcycle enthusiasts very happy, but other groups aren’t as pleased. There are questions about how this change will affect insurance. Michigan Governor Rick Snyder signed a bill into law recently that repealed the requirement that motorcyclists wear helmets. The law had been in place for nearly half a century. Those who are in favor of this change are people who ride motorcycles. Many have expressed that they experience a unique feeling of freedom when … Continue reading

Commercial Auto Insurance Doesn’t Cover Road Rage

The Maine Supreme Judicial Court ruled that a commercial auto insurance company does not have to cover the damages or liability that resulted from the policyholder’s road rage. In short, assault and battery are not considered to be part of a person’s job responsibilities. Michael Bryant is the co-owner of a company called Prime Cut Meat Market. He was driving a truck that had Prime Cut decals on it. However, the truck was owned and registered to Bryant individually. My best guess is that this truck was being used as a company vehicle. This can make insurance coverage a bit … Continue reading

ABS Insurance has Tips for St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day is March 17. People will begin celebrating this holiday all week long, with special emphasis on celebrating this Saturday. ABS Insurance Agency has some tips that can help you avoid having to file an auto insurance claim this week. ABS Insurance Agency is based in Chesterfield, Missouri. They are an independent agency that sells auto insurance, homeowners insurance, business insurance, and life insurance. If you dig around on their website, you can see that they also sell health insurance, and a variety of other speciality types of insurance. St. Patrick’s Day is a holiday that is celebrated … Continue reading