USCCB Rejects Clarification on Birth Control Mandate

Not long after the Obama administration issued a clarification on the birth control mandate, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops announced that they don’t like it. This is unsurprising, because the USCCB has been against the birth control mandate since it was first made into law. Their opinion does not cause a change to the law, however. Here we go again! One could describe the battle for birth control coverage as resembling a ping pong match. The Obama administration includes contraception as preventative care and requires insurance plans to cover the cost of it. The United States Conference of … Continue reading

State Farm Will Lower Homeowners Rates in California

Most of the time, when there is news that involves changes to insurance rates, it is because the insurer is raising them. Not this time! State Farm is going to cut homeowners insurance rates in California. It is so nice to hear good news from an insurance company! It isn’t often that I hear about an insurance company that has announced that they are going to lower their rates. Actually, I’m not sure I’ve ever heard of an insurer willingly choosing to lower its rates. That is exactly what is happening, though. State Farm is the largest homeowners insurer in … Continue reading

California Bill Would Require Liability Insurance for Gun Owners

A bill has been proposed in California that, if made into law, would require gun owners in the state to carry liability insurance. The purpose is to cover the cost of damage that is caused by the guns that someone owns. This adds California to the states who have created gun liability insurance bills. The idea of what has frequently been referred to as “gun insurance” started popping up on the internet shortly after the tragedy that happened in Connecticut at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Everyone wants to prevent that type of thing from happening again. Some opined that the … Continue reading

A few More Words from the ACA Glossary

Have you been paying attention to the Affordable Care Act? If not, then there may be a lot of words and phrases that people use to talk about the ACA that you could be unfamiliar with. Fortunately, there is an Affordable Care Act Glossary. Here are a few more words from the ACA Glossary that you should know. Community Rating: A rule that prevents health insurers from varying premiums within a geographic area based on age, gender, health status, or other factors. Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA): A Federal law that guarantees up to 12 weeks of job protected … Continue reading

More from the Affordable Care Act Glossary

The Affordable Care Act is a set of health reform laws that were designed to make it possible for individuals and small businesses to be able to find affordable health insurance. It offers several protections to consumers that did not exist before the law. Here are some terms and jargon to help you understand more about the Affordable Care Act. When you were in school, there was probably a glossary in the back of at least one of your textbooks. Your teacher directed you to take a look at it whenever you didn’t understand a word or phrase that you … Continue reading

The Affordable Care Act Glossary

By now, you have undoubtedly heard of the Affordable Care Act. When it is discussed, people tend to use jargon and phrases that you might not entirely understand the meaning of. Fortunately, there is an Affordable Care Act Glossary at that can help you. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (also know as the Affordable Care Act or “Obamacare”) was signed by President Obama in 2010. It is a series of health reform laws and regulations that are designed to help consumers find affordable health insurance coverage. There are a whole lot of terms that people use when … Continue reading

University of California Students Petition to Lift Insurance Caps

Students at the University of California are calling for an end to the caps that are currently part of the student health insurance plans offered by the university. The Affordable Care Act does not require self-funded plans to adhere to the health reform law’s requirements. This could leave students who have a serious medical issue paying for their care out of pocket. In the news this week, there are many articles discussing the problems that students who attend self-funded universities could be facing due to their inadequate student health insurance. This is definitely an issue to look into if you … Continue reading

Some Student Health Plans are Exempt from ACA Requirements

Does the university your child attends have a fully insured student health plan? Or, is the university self-insured? The answer to that question is important. Some plans that are self-insured are exempt from providing the protections that the Affordable Care Act requires. The Affordable Care Act provides consumers will many protections that did not exist previous to the implementation of the health reform law. It prohibits private health insurance companies from denying coverage for people who have a preexisting condition. It prohibits health insurers from creating plans that come with an annual coverage cap, or a lifetime coverage cap. These … Continue reading

Clarification on the Birth Control Mandate

The Obama administration has released a clarification on the rules regarding the birth control mandate. It is the portion of the Affordable Care Act that requires health plans to cover contraception. Do you understand what changed and what stayed the same? This blog will give you the facts. The birth control mandate is part of the Affordable Care Act. As of August 1, 2012, all health plans are required to cover women’s preventative health care without charging for a co-pay, coinsurance, or deductible. It includes coverage for all forms of contraception that were approved by the Food and Drug Administration. … Continue reading

Insurance Journal Poll: Who Will Win the Superbowl?

Who will win the Super Bowl? Insurance Journal asked that question on January 31, 2013, to a group of insurance professionals. Many people who work in the insurance industry tend to have experience in calculating risk. Which team do you think they picked? Will you be watching the Super Bowl this year? Which team do you hope will win, the 49ers, or the Ravens? If one of them happens to be your favorite team, then you will find that question to be extremely easy to answer. The question will not be difficult to answer if you happen to strongly dislike … Continue reading